
Monday, April 15, 2013

Do You Love Me?

"Peter, do you love me?"
Jesus asked in Gospel of John, 
Chapter 21.
This was after Peter denied him three times.

 You would think that Jesus would give up on this 
ungrateful, cowardly, faithless man, 
but no!
Jesus gave him a BIG job, sooo BIG!
Jesus asked Peter to love His church!
This gives me a lot of HOPE!
It makes me feel that Jesus would still ask me,
"Patsy, do you love me?",
after I deny Him in  so many small and big ways!
Choosing to play Sims Free Play instead of praying,
or talking to my husband, 
preferring to watch Insider Weekend
instead of fixing my messy room
(which is tantamount to fixing my messy life!!!)

Last Saturday, while my mom and I were talking,
after mass, there was a man who approached us.
He said he was hungry.
So we sent our driver off with him 
with some money to buy food.
When the man smiled,
for a very split second, 
like 1/4 of a second,
I caught a glimpse of Jesus and I teared up.
What if I hadn't given money to buy food?
How many times have I not taken the 
trouble to think of a way to feed someone?
"Do not work for food that perishes
but work for food that endures 
to eternal life."
John 6:27

This is St. Stephen.
He chose to work for food that endures!
He was the first one martyred for the Christian faith
and is a venerated not only in the Roman Catholic
but also the Anglican,  Lutheran,
Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches.

"_(your name here), do you love me?"

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose,
#9, Gail of
On May 3, Gail is holding a Friday Blog Party:
a Community Read-athon. 
I'm going to go visit to find out
what that is!

Sometimes I put on my best pajamas 
and join these great parties! 




  1. Patsy, beautiful post. Our Pastor preached on Stephen last Sunday and I appreciated that message. Sometimes different Bible characters press on your heart for a season as God teaches you lessons about His grace and character through their lives...I love that.

  2. Do you love me? And He asks every day, every moment.We are so often distracted...and He is beautiful, ultimately loveable. Today's conviction, for me, is that I look outside so often for excitement and interest when the most interesting landscapes, the most captivating art, the most moving music, is found in what exists within my Lord.

  3. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Lovely creative work ~ even more sophisticated ~ Great post for CED ^_^

  4. Your art is SO amazing, Patsy. I received my art in the mail this week, and I was just AMAZED at how small you can paint so detailed and beautifully. That's incredible. You are very talented, and I just can't thank you enough. It is displayed on a shelf in my kitchen eating area.
    Word Art Wednesday

  5. So beautiful! Surfing in from the UBP party, better late than never!

  6. As always, thank you for inspiring us with your beautiful artwork and your inspirational messages Patsy!

    I am SO excited to tell you that you are one of the BIG winners from #UBP13! Don't want to ruin the surprise but run over and check out the blog post - it could not go to a more deserving blogger! :-)

    Have a blessed week!

    Create With Joy

  7. Another stunning projects, Patsy. i especially love how you draw that awesome lady picture. It is full of life and awesome colors. Thanks for blessing us with your project this week at Word Art Wednesday...Have an awesome day!

    JO ANN

  8. Patsy, this post really convicts me. How many times do I deny him also? Your artwork is beautiful, as usual, and you really have me seeking Jesus today.

  9. Just these past 2 weeks, I've been teaching on hope and used this same story about Peter's denial. This is God saying, "see, Jen, you are hearing me!"


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy