
Friday, April 12, 2013

Give it Away!

"Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?" 
This is what one of the disciples asked when 
Jesus wanted to feed 5,000 people.
I am sure that most of us would have asked
the very same thing?
Whaaat? You expect us to feed all these people?
Why not send them home?
There's this boy with a measly 2 fishes
and some bread.
How many can this feed?
Sometimes we ask the same thing 
when our money situation is low.
But God's economy is different from ours.
If we need food or lack money,
we should GIVE it away!
If we need love,
we should GIVE it away!
If we need time,
we should GIVE it away!
Give it away to God and God's people!
Give food to the hungry.
Give love to the prisoners.
Give time for prayer and serving.
God does not ration His gifts!
He didn't then
and He won't start now!

I never lacked food but we did 
run out of money when we were building our house.
I was reading Streams in the Desert
and I remember a line which said,
God won't come late.
And He didn't.
The money came and 
we were able to finish our house!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose,
a dear friend who never fails to encourage
and brighten my day!
Be blessed when you pay her a visit at 


  1. Lovely lovely work!!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful work. :D Have a wonderful Friday! :D

  2. Beautiful paintings, I love the colors in the second one. Happy PPF!

  3. I always enjoy my visits and reading the words that go along with your lovely images... I have missed my visit in the last few weeks while things have been so hectic but am happy to be back visiting and taking it all in...xx

  4. Love reading your posts, it is good to be reminded of these truths. Love your painting. Have a great day. :)

  5. beautiful pages to go with the words. Happy PPF, Annette x

  6. Beautiful pages, very lovely, natural poses and compositions, colors, too! <3

  7. Beautiful! Love the words

  8. LOVE the 'give it away' artwork. LOVE the message behind it!


  9. Hi, Patsy,
    This morning my granddaughter is with me, and we enjoyed looking at your artwork for this week. My granddaughter said she loved the colors you used. I love how your artwork usually has a texture to it. Thanks for sharing your journal.
    Bless you,

  10. Patsy,
    You are so creative and always such a Godly message. A blessing to us all.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful artwork with us this week.
    Blessings, Carole Robb Bisson
    Word Art Wednesday

  11. Dear Patsy,
    thank you for aour words about Jesus and thank you for your Lady with fishes. I love her and her Colors.
    Happy PPF and be blessed

  12. Beautiful illustrations of the scriptures, Patsy. Your paintings bring the Word to life. Thank you for faithfully putting it out there! God bless you. And choosing Karen makes me so happy. Karen is one of the Barnabas people, always encouraging. So glad you are honoring her this week.

  13. Your gift(God given)but nourished by you is to really touch people's hearts. Thank you again for my beautiful ATC that you sent.

  14. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Really wonderful words about giving....and lovely paintings as always. Happy PPF xox

  15. a very important reminder about giving - beautiful work. Happy PPF!

  16. I sure love your art!

  17. Anonymous12:46 PM

    God is NEVER late - He always arrives right on time! We have similar stories:) "Give and it will come back to you, pressed down, shaken together, running over" - it took me a long time to give without looking for the running over. Now - the giving - His kind of giving - it sparks my soul and makes it just burst with shine - and life - His kind of life - and love:)

    I love pictures with writing - and your art takes your ideas even further:) simply beautiful!

  18. Really beautiful.

  19. sweet thoughts and lovely illustrations...a lifeline to hang on to when we need it! happy PPF!

  20. I can certainly testify to the Truths in this post! Blessings to you this weekend! Love, Rachael at Inking the Heart (linking with you at Weekend Whatever)

  21. lovely illustrations to this scripture. Beautifully put.

  22. Praising God for provisions! I love the colors you used in the art. Scripture makes them come to life.

  23. what a wonderful message... give it away!! He will meet us in our needs! thank you, patsy!

  24. Such beautiful paintings - and beautiful message as well. I have learned (and hope it sticks - because when tough times come I seem to need reminders) that God is never late and when He does show up it's more than we can imagine. HPPF

  25. So wonderful - I love your work - so rich in perception and thought!

  26. He did indeed give it all away. Bowed down in adoration. Love your portrayal of ... what might be Mary Magdalen serving


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy