
Monday, August 12, 2013

Where Your Treasure Is

In the 17th Chapter of Matthew,
Peter was asked by the collectors of the
temple tax if Jesus paid the tax.
What did Jesus do?
Instead of arguing about it,
Jesus provided the money to pay the tax
by telling Peter to get it out of the 
mouth of the first fish he is able to catch!
He also provides for the money for Peter 
to pay the temple tax!

When I read this, I think that
God provides earthly resources 
for those who do His work.
And I cannot but think of our
prison ministry in our local jail and how 
He has sustained it for 4 years.
The first Christmas when we were
tasked by the prison administration
to give gift bags to 250 prisoners,
I was overwhelmed with the
immensity of the task!
But we were able to 
give away 300 loot bags
with a pair of shorts, food, coffee,
detergent, etc.
The inmates were so thrilled
and said it was good enough for two people!

"For where your treasure is,
there also will your heart be!"
Luke 12:34
Earthly treasure easily disappears!
There is not enough money in the world
to buy happiness.

It was St. Lawrence's Feast Day
last Saturday.
St. Lawrence was martyred because 
when he was ordered by 
Emperor Valerian to surrender 
the treasures of the Church,
he brought the poor and disabled people
whom he served. 
"These are the treasures of the Church!"
St. Lawrence announced.
For this, he was roasted alive.

St. Lawrence was like the grain of wheat
in John 12:24.
"Unless a grain of wheat 
falls to the ground and dies,
it remains just a grain of wheat.
But if it dies, it produces
much fruit."

Perhaps many would say,
St. Lawrence lost his life in vain.
But I believe the saints and the martyrs
are like grains of wheat,
seeds of faith planted in the soil
of men and women whose
hearts' desire is to follow God. 

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
 #3, La Abela , a woman who talks to herself,
as she claims, and draws amazingly
with charcoal and graphite.


  1. Thanks for linking to Sunday Stillness.

  2. Love them all but especially the woman hugging the heart...her treasure. : )

  3. HI Patsy! So many wonderful things in this post. Your ministry gift baskets reminded me of the loaves and much left over!

    My good friend is named Laura, so I always send her an email on the feast of St. Lawrence. It was just awesome that he brought the poor to show the treasure of the church. What a life!

    Good to see you again!

  4. "Unless a seed falls to the ground.." is my favorite. I love the sprout found in that little seek & all the detail in that painting! Thanks for linking at UNITE! ~ Jen

  5. Anonymous11:16 PM

    You have such a blessing in your talent. Do you do custom work?

    Maria @ Bloom

  6. I have tears in my eyes as I read your post! It touched my heart so much to know how the Lord loves us. Your artwork, as always, just touches my heart, too. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful post and artwork!

    Blessings - Julie


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy