
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Blessed are They!

Join me as I do 31 Days of posts,
writing from the HeART!
You'll find other fascinating posts
on The Nester, all doing a series of 31 Days!!!

"Blessed are those who hear the Word of God 
and observe it." Luke 11:28

Blessed, filled with grace, possessing the good things
God has promised, to whom?

To those who hear the Word of God.
NOT only to those who read,
but who HEAR.
Faith after all, comes from HEARING,
from listening to the Word of God.
(Romans 10:17)

While I was painting, 
I sang this verse over and over,
so as to hear it, remember it,
embed it in my heart.

To be blessed with God's good things,
we not only need to hear His Word,
His promises, His instructions,
we also have to observe it, obey it,
follow it.

What good are instructions if it 
goes into one ear and out the other?!!!!
Faith without good works is dead faith!
(James 2:17)

I was listening to Rick Warren last night,
and he said the aim of reading 
God's Word is to become
living bibles!!!
Would you like to be a living bible?
To be like one of Jesus' followers,
walking in His footsteps-
following the living way,
not a dead way with Pharisaic archaic rules,
but following what Jesus taught?
It's the only way to be blessed!!!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
 #13, Rita Dua who likes to 
paint her own rainbows in her blog,


  1. Your lovely painting looks like a very content woman!

  2. I especially like your green painting...second from top. Great expression!

  3. Beautiful work, happy PPF, Annette x

  4. Oh wow, that image is so wonderful, Patsy. Your colors are always a breath of fresh air. It's amazing! Thanks for blessing us with your artwork at Word Art Wednesday and would love to see you back for our new Challenge. Hugs and blessings!

    JO ANN

  5. Beautiful, just beautiful.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy