
Monday, October 07, 2013

Who is My Neighbor?

sorry for this messy
It does not look like
this on my dashboard!!
it's like the 
commas want to revolt
and now I can't even
make the letters small!!

Join me as I do 31 Days of posts,
writing from the HeART!
You'll find other fascinating posts on
The Nester,all doing a series of 31 Days!!!

"Who is my neighbor?" a law expert asked Jesus
after he said he should, "Love God with all
our heart, soul, strength and mind,"
 and "Love our neighbor as ourselves" 
to inherit eternal life.
(10th Chapter of Luke)
You'd think a law expert would know without asking!!!!
So Jesus proceeded to tell him the famous parable

Do we know who our neighbor is?
I have not watched the movie, Elysium ,
but my sister and her family did.
The movie is about how those who had the means
left a destitute and ravaged earth for a 
more comfortable space habitat where 
any sickness could be healed just by 
entering into a Med-Bay.
Anyway, my sisters whole family got into a discussion
about how that can happen.
How could people just allow their "neighbors"
to die and live in poverty and sickness and filth? 
Then their discussion got deeper.
But it already IS happening.
My sister and her family 
live next door to each other,
in a nice gated neighborhood.
Right outside our gates, across the street
is an area hidden from view-
a place where people live in small shanties,
get flooded often, have problems with water
and electricity, and I assume
get sick often.
My brother in law said,
"OK, do we start a ministry there?"
If we said yes, he is the type of man
who would.
He and my sister already goes to the QC Jail
every Friday to preach, to bring snacks,
and to say hello to his neighbors, the prisoners!!!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!
This week, chose
 #19, Marilyn Lamoreux,
who wrote "Pick me! Pick me!"
in her comment!


  1. The world needs more people like your brother-in-law.

  2. I really like the beautiful women in your artwork. What an inspiration your brother-in-law is. Thanks for sharing this with us at Word Art Wednesday.

  3. Your artwork is beautiful! May you and your family continue with your ministries.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy