
Monday, July 14, 2014

He is No Fool!

"Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin?
Yet not one of them falls to the ground
without your Father's knowledge.
Even all the hairs on your head are counted.
So do not be afraid; you are worth more than
many sparrows."
Matthew 10:29-31

 When I was young, maybe about 11 or 12 years old,
I remember staring at this plaque
on our wall which read, "God is love".
It was crudely made as I had made it myself
from built up cardboard.
While staring at it, God spoke to my heart
saying, "Yes, I am love."
And from then till now, I never doubted it.

I think it was one of my foundational experiences.
Because I knew God loved me, I grew up confident in that love.
It did not matter if people rejected me, hurt me,
judged me, thought me weird (of this, there were many!),
everything was OK, because, Hey! God loved me!

If we are not confident of God's love,
we can search for signs, take note of it, and thank God for it.

  Somebody gave me a gift, yey! God loves me!
Somebody encouraged me, somebody paid me a visit,
God answered a small or a big prayer,
Yey! God loves me!

I found a parking space, a lost thing, I have money
to pay for something I really really want,
Yey!!! God loves me!!!

If we are more conscious of the small things
God does for us, we won't doubt His BIG love!

"My word shall not return to me empty, 
but it will accomplish that which I please 
and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" Isaiah 55:11.
God's Word is like a seed. 
Plant it in your heart and see it bear fruit.
When Dr. Cindy Trimm was young, 
her family was very poor. 
But when she read the Bible, 
she practiced what she read and confessed it. 
In Mark 11:23, it says, "You will have what you say." 
So from when she was a poor young girl, up to today, 
she confessed good things from Deuteronomy 28 
to come into her life. She did this EVERY MORNING.
Today Dr. Cindy Trimm is a best selling author, 
popular speaker and life coach. 
She became a Senator in Bermuda 
and was named one of Ebony Magazine's 
Top 100 Doers and Influencers in the world!

 There are a lot of paradoxes in the Bible.
To be rich, we have to give.
To live eternally, we are supposed to die to ourselves.
To be first, we should be last.
One of the most confusing is Matthew 10:39-
"Whoever finds his life, will lose it,
and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

 Most people think that if we follow Jesus
we LOSE our life.
That's why many don't want to do it.
But the opposite is true.
If we allow Jesus to take the wheel,
and we go where He leads,
instead of expecting Him to run after us,
we will find fullness of life!
We become the best we can be!

After all, as it says in Matthew 10:30,
"Even the hairs on your head are ALL numbered."
He knows our weaknesses and strengths,
our gifts, talents, and potential.
Jim Elliot, a missionary who lost his life
trying to bring the Word of God
to the Aucas in Ecuador, once said:
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep,
to gain that which he cannot lose."

I don't want to be a fool, do you?


  1. Awesome!!! Thanks for the reminder - you're such a blessing!

  2. Patsy, It remains a pleasure to visit your blog. Each time I am inspired by your amazing work. Isa 55 is a favorite of mine and it is lovely to see it in a picture. Thank you for posting this wonderful art at Word Art Wednesday.
    Blessings, Carole Robb Bisson

  3. Beautiful words here. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Anonymous4:05 AM

    so beautiful - and it fills my heart to overflowing! Such blessing, Patsy! Thank you!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy