
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

WOYWW: Like a Child!

Here is my desk this morning. 
Amy Weaver sent me some wonderful gelli plate prints! 
I am so happy as I've never seen what gelli plates can make 
as it is not available for sale here in Manila.

Storm Glenda is battering the Philippines 
and while I was working, the lights went off! 
I am working in the dark using one of those emergency lights! 
Please pray for protection and safety for our country.
We've had so many disasters already!

Still dark.

My reading this morning is from Matthew 11:25- 
"Although you have hidden these things from the wise 
and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike."

In the world's eyes, being wise and learned 
is better than being childlike. 
So why is Jesus saying in this passage 
that those who are 'childlike' or 
'untaught and unskilled' (Amplified Bible) 
will receive revelations from God? 
I think it is because he had just finished teaching his disciples 
and was thanking God that these simple men 
accepted His words in contrast to the 
learned men whom he likened to "wolves" in Matthew 10:16.

 And so it is with us, if we wish to know God and His ways, 
we have to be like sheep following the shepherd, 
like a child obedient to his father, 
like a dove, innocent, harmless, guileless and without falsity. 
(Matthew 10:16)

 Lord, may I be like a child listening to Your words at your feet, 
and may I always be humble and trusting,
so You can mold me and make me and use me!

"Unless your faith is firm, you will not be firm." Isaiah 7:9

Our faith is like a muscle in a way. 
We need to exercise it so it becomes strong and firm. 
We build it up when we use it 
against the weapons of the enemy. 
Our faith is like Israel's Iron Dome, 
our shield, our bulwark. 
Suffering, setbacks, failures, 
embarrassments, disappointments- 
these are all part of the enemy's arsenal against us.

Our biggest trial as a family was when my mom got sick. 
It could have been devastating 
when she lost the battle against cancer and left us, 
but because our faith has been built up through the years, 
we were able to praise God and sing songs of His faithfulness 
while she lay on her deathbed in the hospital.
God never promised that He would save us 
from all difficulty and suffering. 
But He has promised us faith for the journey if we call on Him!



  1. Beautiful! Guess I have to try gelli printing myself, but that stuff is quite expensive, at least here in Germany. Love what you did with the backgrounds! Happy WOYWW, Evelyn # 54

  2. Thinking of you Patsy...hope the storm passes quickly and harms no-one.
    Hugs, LLJ 15 xx

  3. Stay there at Jesus' feet, or on His knee, Patsy. You are so right - it is the place to be to hear His heartbeat.
    Trust all goes well for your nation.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #13

  4. I love Gelli printing, you never know really how exactly it will turn out.
    Happy crafting and have a great week, Angela x #42

  5. I think gelli plating is what teachers used as a photocopy medium way back in the olden days. Great art in your journal and the card. Where would we be at Word Art Wednesday without you? Thanks for posting this wonderful art and your written portion with us.
    Blessings, Carole

  6. Praying for your safety in the Philippines. I enjoyed looking at your art this morning. Thank you for sharing so freely.

  7. Beautiful art - I love the colors. On another note - I am your neighbor at Unite - we have similar messages. I continue to work my way through the Beatitudes; children and innocence have been on my heart. Praying for your safety in the storm. Hugs. Janet

  8. I'm so late this week; I hope the storm has passed by and caused no more pain or suffering across the islands. It's been a long time since a storm caused power loss here, I've almost forgotten!
    You'll love using the gelli backgrounds, Janet (Fairythoughts) has a recipe for making your own gelli - I bet you'd love the printing process!

  9. I'm sorry about your mom, Patsy. I love what you said about faith being a muscle. Faith is so important to our walk with God. So blessed by what you've shared here. Praying for safety and a blessed week ahead for you and your family.

  10. Enjoyed your post and your art....Beautiful!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy