
Friday, November 14, 2014

Paint Party Friday: See You in Heaven!

 "So it will be on the day the 
Son of Man is revealed." Luke 17:30
As the liturgical year comes to a close 
there will be more readings about the end times, 
tribulations, the signs, judgement, 
and about how we should be vigilant. 
How do we respond to Jesus' revelation 
of how it will be at the end? 
Just as in the days of Noah, unless we are close to God 
and listening to Him, we will just be 
going about our every day business. 
Do we think of this as just a fairy tale? 
Concocted like the stories of our yaya (nanny) 
when we were young to scare us into behaving? 
Or do we take it seriously? 
Knowing that all of us will die some day 
and there is some sort of reckoning and judgement to come.

We won't know for certain when we will leave this earth. 
I heard of this radio announcer who was 
talking about death on his time slot, 
and then that same day, he died in a motorcycle accident. 
And just yesterday, a good friend 
I used to see every day at mass, Ric de Leon, died. 
He was always telling me to pray for him 
because he was naughty and liked a good laugh. 
I will always remember him fondly. 
And I can't help thinking that he is having 
a wonderful time with my mom who passed away in February, 
and Judge Savellano who died almost at the same time. 
The Judge always greeted us, when we saw him 
at the Blessed Sacrament, "See you in heaven!"
One thing is clear- the good Lord did not intend 
that we live forever in this fleshly body 
that is decaying every single day. 
And my response to that is, "Wonderful!!!" 
I think that is why God allows the creaky knees, 
failing memory, cancer, wrinkles, the pain of separation, etc. 
It's a constant reminder that this is our temporary home.
And like the Judge, I'd like to say to each one, "See you in heaven!"

 "The Kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21. 
Another version reads, 
"The Kingdom of God is already in your midst."
Jesus compared the Kingdom of God 
to yeast and a tiny mustard seed. 
Why did Jesus compare it to such insignificant things? 
Perhaps because the Kingdom was initiated 
by an insignificant babe born in an unimportant stable 
in an inconsequential town. 
Perhaps because the Kingdom started with people 
of no power and influence who allowed 
a seed of faith to grow within them.
There are 2.2 billion Christians in the world, 
32% of the world's population (2012 study, couldn't find a more recent one). 
Isn't that amazing? 
That from a rag-taggle group of those few followers of Jesus, 
we have grown 2 billion strong?

If only each one of us unleashes the power of 
that insignificant seed of faith in our hearts, 
and allow the Spirit of God to change us and the world around us!
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. 
For indeed, that's all who ever have." 
Margaret Mead

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  1. This is an absolutely wonderful card. Thank you for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday this week.
    Carole Robb Bisson

  2. Beautiful art - and the quote is amazing :)

  3. Beautiful work! Valerie

  4. Beautiful! I love the depth created with your wonderful backgrounds.

  5. How great that you are able to utilize your art as a transpersonal experience.

  6. Anonymous5:24 AM

    i have stumbled on your blog and am glad i did, Your word, colours and shapes are uplift God

  7. I am following your blog, and so was happy to see you on this linky. Janice

  8. Beautiful thoughts and words. Love the art that goes with it. Blessings, Janet PPF


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy