
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

WOYWW: Every Good Work

Some progress on my painting,
even if I keep procrastinating and 
looking for other things to do.
I'm thinking of putting a bird on the top right.
Love birds!

 "Be prepared for every good work." Titus 3:1
After removing the painting I was working on,
I started my daily painting.
 I got failing marks again yesterday!  
I shouldn't have reprimanded 
and fired an employee in front of other people. 
And I was not charitable towards 
another who needed help. :^( 
No matter how well-intentioned I am 
during my prayer time, I usually fall short 
when it comes to reality! So disappointing! 

Here in these few passages in verses 1-7, P
aul reminds Titus that Jesus saved us 
out of kindness  and mercy and 
not because of our righteous deeds. 
Isn't that a relief? 
If righteousness dictated God's love for us, 
we stand to lose His love and mercy when we sin 
and fall short of His expectations! 
In Grade 4, I was my teacher's favorite. 
But when I failed to do an assignment, 
she let me know how disappointed she was 
by immediately removing this special task 
of taking the attendance. 
I was no longer among the favored. 
God isn't like that. 

After recognizing our shortcomings, 
and repenting, we can face another day with hope, 
knowing that with the help of His Spirit, 
we can be better prepared for every good work.  
Lord, I will do better today. 
I will be prepared! 

 When you have done all you 
have been commanded, say, 
"We are unprofitable servants; 
we have done what we were obliged to do." 
Luke 17:10

I will never forget this verse because one time 
I felt I did a good job for God and congratulated myself. 
So puffed up with pride, I got home, 
and this is the passage that greeted me! 

If we are full of ourselves as I so often am, 
but open to God's correction, 
we can depend on God to teach us to be humble. 
Here in this passage it seems as if 
God is a hard taskmaster who 
does not appreciate the work we do for Him. 
However, I know that when we feel insecure, 
uncertain of God's love, 
we can also go to His Word where He will say 
we are His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10), 
and He did everything so that we 
can enjoy fullness of life (John 10:10), 
and be with Him in a place where 
we will never doubt our exalted status 
as His sons and daughters (2 Cor. 6:18)

When He says we are "unprofitable servants", 
He teaches us to model ourselves after Himself. 
Jesus humbled Himself, was humiliated, 
and did not act entitled like many of us do sometimes! 
He knew what His purpose was! 
He was a servant of all! 
He accomplished His task! 
We too have a purpose and out of gratitude 
to God's calling us, we say, 
"Here I am Lord, use me!" 

 While I am writing this,
I have my sister Peggy's new kitten on my lap.
His name is Oreo, can you tell?
Peggy is out walking,
and I am catsitting.



  1. That is so cute your sister's cat Oreo hugs Nikki no # yet

  2. I love that your artwork is not only beautiful, but that you use your gift to glorify God. Wonderful! (Visiting from A Little R&R link-up) ~Heather @ My Overflowing Cup

  3. Don't beat yourself up, Patsy - learn from mistakes, make amends where possible - and welcome the new day. I must remind myself of these!! Love the painting (as always!) Hugs, Chris # 7

  4. I like how the book print peeks through the paint layers. It's nice to see the evolution of your pages. Oreo is just too cute! Have a great week! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #33

  5. Lovely creations. The kitty is adorable.
    Angie #53

  6. Your artwork is lovely. Great photo of Oreo. Tracey @ 20

  7. Oh my goodness! That photo of Oreo says that one is up to some mischief. I love your artwork and words of wisdom and insight. It has been far too long since I have visited. Judy #73

  8. Thank you for reminding me of some important lessons. I always love reading your 'ramblings'.
    Your painting is gorgeous as usual. And Oreo is too cute! I just met him at your sister's blog. I assume you live quite close to each other....
    Thanks for letting me look over your shoulder,
    Have a good week,
    Sorry I'm late but I take my time going through them all. (I enjoy reading all the blogs and look at the photos)


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy