Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Word Became Flesh

“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us." John 1:14

Can our minds wrap around this truth? The One who made the earth, the universe, who put the stars and the planets in their place, became a man and walked with us for 33 years!

He was born of a peasant woman, but He was a King!  The ruler of heaven and earth came to that little town, Bethlehem, and the angels, a whole host of them, were His army. The word in Greek that Saint Luke used, “stratia”, means army! 

Caesar Augustus, the first emperor of the ancient Roman Empire, was in power when Jesus was born and he issued an edict that he could not have known would fulfill words in the Bible from 600 years before. Joseph took his little family from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census. 

The prophet Micah had foretold that the Messiah would be born in the tiny village of Bethlehem:
"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times." (Micah 5:2, NIV)

The ‘ruler of Israel’ appointed Peter as leader and the successor of Peter, Pope Francis, is still in Rome. He can still look from his window to the Colosseum which was funded from the opulent plunder taken from the Jewish Temple after the first Jewish-Roman war in 70 AD. Not only were Jewish prisoners of war used to build this massive amphitheater, but followers of Jesus were martyred there as well. 

The powerful dictators of Jesus’ time tried to destroy Him, but they were the ones who were destroyed. Where is the Roman Empire today? Long gone. All the kings and kingdoms of the world eventually get thrown into the dustbin of history. But the Kingdom that Jesus came to build on earth, His Church, is still alive and flourishing in many places here on earth! 

That same Word who became flesh, who is outside of time and place, entered time and stepped into His own creation, to become the Immanuel, “God with us”. He is the same God who wants to dwell in our hearts. May we make a place for Him by “cleaning up the cobwebs” of festering disappointments, envy, shame, guilt, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, whatever keeps us from having a good relationship with the Father who loves us best. 

Let us rejoice because He came to free us from the poisons the enemy wants us to imbibe every day. If we follow the way of the Lord, we will reap a harvest of blessing!

Monday, December 30, 2024

First Hand Faith

"The child grew and became strong..." Luke 2:40

Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of the Holy Family. There were many pains that pierced Mary's heart as Simeon foretold in Luke 2:35, “And you yourself a sword will pierce." No mother should undergo what Mary had to go through. But before Jesus went into public ministry, she had watched Him grow, and become strong and bright. How her heart must have rejoiced in Him! 

My son Josh will soon be 30 years old. I look back and remember him as a baby, a toddler, going to school, and I can't imagine giving him up like Mary had to give Jesus up. After all, Jesus had His own mission, His own God-given purpose.

Like Jesus, our children have their own mission too. We can only do so much. Give them just so much guidance and protection. Eventually they have to find their own way. There's a saying, “God has no grandchildren”. Our children have to have first hand faith. They have to discover God on their own, and have a relationship with God. 

We can't hand it down to them. 

Even if we're not perfect in any way, we can be a model to them, and show that a life of faith is a life worth living. It is also important that they know that far more than  good grades or being excellent in sports or earning money or whatever, the priority for each and every one of us is a close relationship with God our Father, loving Him with all our heart, soul and strength. 

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:5-7)

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Chosen Ones

"Because you are God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with heartfelt mercy, with kindness, humility, meekness, and patience." Colossians 3:12

If you were chosen to live in Downton Abbey, no doubt there would be changes in the way you dress and the way things are done. The upstairs family changed clothing several times a day. There was a proper way of speaking which was why Tom Branson was always in trouble. The Crawleys were always well behaved and treated the servants kindly.

WE are chosen. WE are holy, which means set apart. And WE are loved by our Father. But the clothes we are supposed to wear are not fancy, and dripping with lace and gems. They are 'clothes' of the heart. I think our life on earth is a training ground for when we get to heaven. We endure hardships so we can wear patience. We encounter aggravating people so we can put on meekness and kindness. When we notice people in need, we can clothe ourselves in mercy. These are the clothes we need when we get to our Father's home. Hopefully they are not threadbare but resplendent with a loving and generous heart!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

God is Light

“God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5

Today we commemorate the Feast of the Holy Innocents. 

Herod the Great, King of Judea, was called great because he built cities, magnificent palaces, temples, stadiums and fortresses. But he was infamous because he had 3 of his sons killed for treason, and put to death his favorite of his 10 wives, one of his mothers-in-law, a high priest, several uncles and a few cousins. In the 2nd chapter of Matthew, and in the writings of Macrobius, we learn that he ordered innocent little boys 2 years old and younger, taken from their mothers and massacred in Bethlehem and the surrounding areas. He liked to construct buildings but he destroyed people and lives with impunity. What malevolent darkness is there in man that he gives more worth to impermanent things than to an unborn baby, a suspected drug addict, or an old and chronically sick person? 

This Christmas season, after all the hectic gift buying and partying, let us sit down and ponder the miracle of God’s more than wonderful love for us. How priceless each one of us is, that He came down as a defenceless baby, to save us from darkness and sin. It does not matter to God if we are soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo who earned about $260 million over the last year, rogue trader Jérôme Kerviel who owes $6.3 billion, or a jeepney driver who can’t even make boundary. 

Each one of us is precious, the “apple of His eye”, and He will do everything to bring us home with Him. There is no speck of darkness in God, and if we are suffering now, in great difficulty, we need only to bask in His light, to see ourselves as He sees us, to see our situation as He sees it. Hope springs eternal in His presence. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024


“Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power..." Acts 6:8

Yesterday we celebrated the Immanuel, God with us, the baby born in a manger to a virgin, among animals, because there was no room for Him anywhere. Today in the Catholic Church's readings, the beautiful Christmas story is followed by St. Luke's account of Saint Stephen, the church's first martyr, brutally dragged and stoned to death. Why the contrast? Perhaps because most of the world embraces the palatable, pleasant, engaging Christmas story of a mother and child. After all who doesn't love a story with myriads of angels singing, shepherds, cute sheep, and magnificent magi bearing wondrous gifts? Everyone has adopted the holiday, giving gifts, wishing everyone goodwill, baking cookies, drinking, and eating. Sometimes even the Christ Child is forgotten and forlorn amidst all the tinsel and glitter! 

How much more has the world forgotten that part and parcel of the beautiful Christmas story is the un-beautiful crucifixion? That the same baby born to an innocent virgin would be, after 33 years, beaten and bruised, his face unrecognizably swollen and bloodied,  his back lacerated by whips with bone fragments! Jesus told His disciples that they too would be brought to trial, and flogged. They too would be called to witness on His account (Matthew 10). We may never be flogged, beaten, or stoned to death, but we should at least witness on His account! If we are brought to trial for being a Christian, will our words and actions find us guilty just as Saint Stephen was found guilty? 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Love Becoming Flesh

“And the Word became flesh...” John 1:14

The miracle of Christmas is all about the Word of God taking on human flesh and dwelling among men. It’s God’s way of letting us get to know Him. 

Jesus is the total message of God. When we read about Him in the Gospels, He is God in the round. Jesus is no abstract concept we can delegate in the background as an epic myth. Jesus really existed and is a historical figure. And for the curious scientific mind, maybe the 300 prophecies in the Old Testament about Jesus is mumbo jumbo, but we cannot discount that mathematically speaking, no one else but Jesus fulfilled all of it. Just one person fulfilling a mere 8 prophecies is a chance in an awesome 100,000,000,000,000,000!!!! It is totally impossible for one man to fulfill 300 prophecies. It can only be God who has control of time and space! 

Can our minds wrap around this truth? The One who made the earth, the universe, who put the stars and the planets in their place, became a man and walked with us for 33 years! He was born of a peasant woman, but He was a King! Heaven came to that little town, Bethlehem, and the angels were His army. The powerful rulers of His time tried to destroy Him. But they were the ones who were destroyed. The Kingdom that He came to build on earth, His Church, is still alive and flourishing here on earth!

So let us ponder this mystery of God becoming a man like us, this amazing miracle of love becoming flesh. 

A blessed Christmas season from my family to yours!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Gratitude in My Heart

“The favors of the Lord I will sing forever.” Psalm 89:2

Death is a very mysterious door. Some of my friends passed through quickly, and some, like my brother Robert, laboured long before they were able to see what lay on the other side. My brother had a difficult time the last weeks and months of his life, and we asked for mercy and grace for him, and for ourselves as well. 

When we see death face to face, we realize how ephemeral life is. Where once there was a living, breathing human being, suddenly all breathing stops and there is a suspension of unbelief for a while. Really, truly gone? Never to hear his voice again, his stories, his laughter? Never to see his wonderful smile, his teasing eyes, the magic of his hands creating new masterpieces on paper? 

Robert always said God was in control. And so He is. Life goes on. Although I love ordinary days where there is no bad news, I also realize there are no ordinary days. Every day is extraordinarily extraordinary! We are on a journey around the sun, for goodness sake! Every year we go around this huge mass of hot 5778 K swirling plasma! And just like that, my perspective changes. I am surrounded by miracles. Nothing is ordinary! Not the cactus sitting quietly on a pot beside me. And certainly not the wonderful gift of life we received from God, a new baby in the family! How do I hold on to this miracle God generously blesses us with? 

Like the psalmist, I should always have gratitude in my heart. I should open my eyes, my heart, my ears to the favors of the Lord. I should not concentrate on what can happen, what gives me stress, all the shenanigans happening in Congress. The heavens proclaim the wonders of God. I am His creation. So should I! 

Instead I should contemplate the “panoramic glimpse of God’s unfolding plan of salvation” as I read this morning. Father, help us to never lose sight of Your eternal gift for each of us, Your Son Jesus! 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Precious and Unique

“What, then, will this child be? For surely the hand of the Lord was with him.” Luke 1:66

John the Baptist was the last of the great prophets. His coming was prophesied in the 3rd chapter of the book of Malachi. “Thus says the Lord God: Lo, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me.” His birth was preceded by some unprecedented events. An angel came to his father Zechariah in the temple and Zechariah was struck dumb. His barren mother Elizabeth became pregnant in her old age as foretold by the angel in the temple. Mary, the mother of Jesus visited Elizabeth, and when she greeted Elizabeth, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy. Then Zechariah, when asked what the baby boy would be called, wrote down the name John to the surprise of many, he suddenly could speak after many months of silence! So yes indeed, many were marveling about this child and wondering, “What then will this child be? What will he become? What will be his destiny?” 

I delight in my 4 year old grandchild, the son of my niece. He is interested in so many things, and yesterday he was asking me what my sickness was because he wanted to give me medicine. When I told him I had a hard time breathing, he went to his little table and was “pouring and mixing”, concocting something in his “laboratory” for me to drink. Eventually he gave me a container of “rose water and grape” and had me drink it. He even encouraged, “simot, simot” which means to finish it to the last drop. After me, he went to his Lolo Loo to cure him of laziness and I forget what else! Luigi was given grass medicine that tasted like macha, and he was told he could do many things already because he was not lazy anymore! He is a precious, wonderful little boy, and a bright spot. I wonder what will be his destiny, what his future will bring. He said he wants to be a doctor. 

All of us are precious and unique in the eyes of God even if our birth was not announced by an angel. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made as proclaimed in Psalm 139:14. Sadly others don’t believe that and seek to kill their own babies in their wombs, or enact legislations to make it legal to get rid of a baby even when he or she is fully formed in the image of likeness of God! Imagine how many precious lives have been lost and continue to be lost when the world refuses to see human beings through the eyes of God? 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Sing for Joy!

“Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! Sing joyfully, O Israel!” Zephaniah 3:14

We should always sing to God, fully and joyfully.

I loved what I read in my meditation guide, The Word Among Us, a couple of years ago: 

"Sing aloud, yes, but don’t limit yourself to what your voice can do. Sing with your pen. Write down what you want to praise the Lord for. Jot down your hopes, dreams, desires for this year. Sing with your paint brush—paint your praise, joy, and thanksgiving. Sing with your musical instrument or your feet. Dance, as David did before the ark of the Lord. (2 Samuel 6:5,16). We are wonderfully made, so we can praise the Lord in song or with any of the other talents he has given us." 

Oh yes, I plan to sing with my pen, paint brush, and pencils, and all the ways that I can!

Wholehearted “Yes!”

“...May it be done unto me according to your word.” Luke 1:38

Today we read about the Anunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary, when the Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary, “You will conceive in your womb and bear a Son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great, and He will be called Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of David His father...and His Kingdom will have no end.” 

Mary was a very young girl when Gabriel appeared to her. She must have been trembling and yes, greatly troubled, but the angel said, “Do not fear for you have found favor with God.” Because of this young maiden’s “Yes”, the world was turned upside down in a silent but deadly battle. 

We all like watching movies where we know the hero, against all odds, even if everything is stacked up against him, will emerge out of rubble, victorious. We know the ending because we know the director won’t kill off the character played by the leading man. In the world today it may appear that everything is stacked up against good, and evil is prevailing, but that is far from the truth. God is waiting in infinite patience for each one of us give our voluntary yes to Him like Mary did 2000 years ago. 

From my favorite daily meditation book, Anawim, I quote: “The Anunciation gives us a glimpse of how the power of God can enter the world when He receives a whole-hearted ‘yes’ from man.” This Advent season, may we look more deeply into our heart and find space for the Christ child to dwell and grow. Let us give God our whole-hearted ‘Yes’!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Rock of Refuge

“Be my rock of refuge, a stronghold to give me safety…” Psalm 71:3

When Josh was a little boy, we built a sand castle too close to the water, and so we had to watch it erode with every wave until it was back to a pitiful mound of sand. We are always building something, a family, a career, a business, a relationship, a life. What is the foundation we are building it on? 

One thing we can be sure of, there will always be something to test the foundation. 

In December 2019, I had a Pulmonary Embolism, which according to my doctor, was like a heart attack of the lungs. So I had to go through a battery of tests to find out why and how to heal me. The smallest exertion sent me into coughing fits and left me breathless. I eventually had to undergo a coronary bypass and a pulmonary artery embolectomy under deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. The surgeon had to use His extraordinary skills to extract the calcified clots from my heart.

Where is God in all this? Right beside me, reminding me that as long as I keep my hope and trust in Him, I will be all right. The world may shake and tremble all about me, but I will be standing on firm ground. Isaiah 26:4 says, “Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal.” No one who trusts in God will ever be disappointed! 

“The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” (Psalm 18:2) 

Whatever I undergo, I remind myself that it is an adventure with the Lord. Adventures always have cliffhangers. I’m still in need of oxygen 24/7 but I am always busy and productive. I have Luigi, family and friends to help me and surround me with prayers. God is good and He always, always keeps His Word. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Have No Fear

 "Joseph, son of David, have no fear..." Matthew 1:20

I find it quite amazing that in the Bible, a book filled with the exploits of men, there is hardly anything said about Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. Only two of the Gospels mention him, Matthew and Luke. 

Ever since Pope Francis' visit to the Philippines, the statue of the sleeping Saint Joseph has been quite popular. Pope Francis revealed that he had one, and that when he had difficulties, he would write them on a piece of paper and ask Saint Joseph to pray with him about it.

In the Gospel of Saint Matthew, Saint Joseph gets clear directions from God while he is asleep TWICE! In Matthew 1:20, Joseph is told by an angel in a dream, not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife, as the child in her womb was conceived by the Holy Spirit. In chapter 2, verse 13, he is directed by an angel, while dreaming, to flee to Egypt for their safety.

God speaks to us in different ways, but we need discernment to know what comes from Him, and what comes from our own desires. Geza Vermes, a British scholar and noted authority on ancient Aramaic writings on the life of Jesus, stated that the term for "carpenter" and "son of a carpenter", used in the Jewish Talmud, signifies a very learned man.

Learned man or not, what we know is Joseph was kind and compassionate, a man of faith who obeyed God wherever He led. How beautiful to be like St. Joseph, always willing to listen and obey God whether awake or asleep!!! We can imitate St. Joseph who embraced God’s role for him unconditionally, and set aside his own plans and ideas. Like St. Joseph there may be times when we do not understand why we are thrust into situations not of our own making. 

Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter, writes it is as if God were to repeat to us: “Do not be afraid!” because “faith gives meaning to every event, however happy or sad,” and makes us aware that “God can make flowers spring up from stony ground.” St. Joseph “did not look for shortcuts but confronted reality with open eyes and accepted personal responsibility for it.” For this reason, “he encourages us to accept and welcome others as they are, without exception, and to show special concern for the weak”. Yes, Father, teach us to be like St. Joseph! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Jesus my Family

“In Him shall all the tribes be blessed.” Psalm 72:17

It appears that my blood clots abnormally because I have an inherited disorder of the blood called Thalassemia. I have been joking that it is because I am really Jewish. Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews are routinely screened for beta thalassemia. 

Joking aside, if we have accepted Jesus as our brother, we are adopted into His family. And as adopted sons and daughters, we should learn more about our family, what we have inherited, how to be a good member of this royal family, even about the family business. Is that not common sense? It is supremely important to get to know our Father, our brother Jesus, how they think, how they want us to act. We don’t want to be like the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) who rejected the Father who loved him so much, the Father who waited and longed for his return even if his son had insulted him! We don’t want to miss out on a life here on earth surrounded by friendship with the One who knows us best, joy that the world can never give, peace beyond understanding. Even in the midst of trial and tribulations, we can know we are more precious to God than anything He has created. Let us waste time with Him who was, who is, and who is to come this Advent. We will never regret it! 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Don’t Miss Christmas!

Your ways O Lord, make known to me; teach me Your paths." Psalm 25:4

Nine more days, just nine more days! Nine more days not to miss Christmas! Although the signs and colors and sounds of Christmas are all around me, I may yet miss Christmas! I may miss it like the innkeeper who was so busy and preoccupied with his inn that had no vacancy. Even if he gave Mary and Joseph the stable, he could have made sure they were comfortable! He could have left his more prosperous guests to ask if they needed anything, food, water, blankets, a fire... I may miss Christmas if I am so busy wrapping gifts, if I forget the people God loves, the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, forget to SEE them and what they need. 

I may miss Christmas because I am so familiar with the story. I grew up singing the same carols. We have all the symbols. We have the lights but are we still in the dark, missing the message, missing the birthday celebrant? We have wrapped gifts for every one on our list, but have we missed the greatest gift of all? I once heard someone say, "I'm more excited about Star Wars than about Christmas!" I thought that was very sad but I did not know what to say! Truly Lord, it is so easy to miss Christmas during this busy time of the year. Speak to me Lord, teach me your ways. Help me to be quiet and listen. May I walk the path to your manger, and keep Christmas in my heart all year! 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Peace of God

“Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

I was listening to Elizabeth Elliot, a Christian missionary, author, and speaker, on YouTube the other day. She told the story of what happened when she, her son and grandson were inside the car while it was being cleaned by an automatic car wash. Her son hadn’t explained to the little boy thinking he was too young to understand. When the car was drawn into the dark tunnel, it was scary for the boy. His blue eyes got bigger and bigger as he gazed all around him. There were strange noises and he immediately looked at the face of his father. Then a roar of water came down on all four sides of the car and again his eyes opened wide with fear. Again he focused on his daddy’s face. 

When giant brushes closed in, it was like a frightening outer space movie with all the terrible noises and strange things happening. The little boy’s eyes darted around then settled on his dad’s face. Elizabeth could see the terror in his eyes, that he was ready to cry, but he didn’t. He didn’t shed one tear. When the car finally moved out into the sunshine, her grand son broke into a big smile. He hadn’t cried because his father was right there with him. Even if he did not know what was happening, even if he wondered if they were ever going to get out of that darkness, he did not shed a tear. He knew his father and he had confidence in his father. 

We need to know our Heavenly Father so we will trust Him. We need to know His promises so we can stand on His promises. “I have set the LORD always before me: Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” (Psalm 16:8) 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

You are My Friend

“Blessed is he who shall have seen you and who falls asleep in your friendship.” Sirach 48:11

Although these words were written of the prophet Elijah, we can say the same for all the formidable prophets and great patriarchs in the Bible, like Moses. We have to realize that all of them had to do the normal chores and work you and I do. While Moses was doing something ordinary, tending the flock of his father-in-law, a task he did every day, something extraordinary caught his attention. There was a bush engulfed in flames but it was not consumed. When he went closer, God spoke to him. "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob." 

God introduced Himself to Moses. He wants to do the same for each of us, for all of us. In the midst of our ordinary, every day chores, God is there. He may not show Himself in a burning bush, but He is there in the kindness of strangers, the bonds of love we have with our family, the conversations we have with others, the camaraderie and fellowship with friends, the times we use the gifts and talents He gives us, in every ordinary day. 

Lord, just as You called Moses and had a purpose for Him, so You call us. May we know what You want us to do with the gifts and talents, all the resources You blessed us with. One day, may we hear You say as You said to Moses, "You have found favor with Me, and you are My friend." (Exodus 33:17)

Friday, December 13, 2024

Light in the Darkness

“Of one who sees what the Almighty sees, enraptured, and with eyes unveiled.” Numbers 24:16

Today is the feast day of Saint Lucy, a virgin and a martyr. She was martyred for following God! So many legends have grown about her that it is difficult to tell what is true and what isn't! She came from a rich and noble Sicilian family and her mother wanted her to marry a pagan suitor but Lucy wanted to remain a virgin serving the Lord.

When she gave away her dowry, the slighted suitor reported her to Paschasius, the  governor of Sicily She was sentenced to be brought to a brothel and forced into prostitution. When they came to get her, Lucy was sooo heavy, they could not bring her anywhere! They even tried to hitch her to a team of oxen to no avail! Then she was condemned to be burned but the flames did not harm her. 

The strange part of her story is about her eyes, which is why she's usually depicted as holding a pair of eyes. One story says that when her suitor became enamored of her eyes, she gouged them out herself to give to her suitor so he would not think her beautiful anymore. The other story (equally implausible!) is that the authorities took them out with a fork when they could not move or carry her!

Whatever the truth is, Saint Lucy lived in bravery and fortitude at a time when it was terribly difficult to be a Christian! During the reign of Emperor Diocletian in the early 4th century, Christians were persecuted and tortured. In 304, she was killed by the sword, and legend has it that her eyes were restored. We may not be tortured and martyred for our faith the way Christians were in pagan times, but we are called to be a light during these dark and confusing times. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Salvation Has Come

“A great sign appeared in the sky...a woman clothed with the sun...she was with child...” Revelation 12:1-2

Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, or in the original Spanish, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. 

In the 1400s, Mexico was under Aztec oppression. In every town, there was a temple pyramid, where Aztec priests would offer human sacrifices to their god Huitzilopochtli. This god was the "Lover of Hearts and Drinker of Blood," and the priests would cut out the beating hearts of victims, usually adult men but very often children. Over 50,000 human beings were sacrificed each year. Then in 1523, Franciscan missionaries came and evangelized the Indian people. 

On December 9, 1531, Mary, the mother of Jesus, appeared to a 57-year old simple peasant man, an Aztec convert, who was on his way to mass. Mary asked Juan Diego to request Bishop Zumarraga that a shrine be built in her honor on the site where she appeared. When Juan presented this request to the Bishop, the Bishop naturally asked for a sign. After several encounters with Mary, Juan brought the Bishop what he asked for. When Juan opened his tilma, his peasant cloak, beautiful Castillan roses, foreign to Mexico, fell out, but more than that, the Bishop saw an extraordinary image of Our Lady on the tilma. The Bishop wept at the sight. That tilma still survives today and thousands go to see it in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

We may be skeptical about apparitions and images appearing on tilmas or anywhere else. However, because Mary spoke to Juan Diego in his native language, and because she was wearing the Aztec dress for pregnant women in the image, this provoked millions of conversions to the Catholic faith in just under seven years. 

Today, we may not have human sacrifices to gods, but according to recent statistics, an estimated 25 million people are being sacrificed at the altar of human trafficking, with the majority being women and children. It is the fastest growing crime and generates an estimated $99 billion dollars each year. 

One woman’s story is particularly poignant. She gave money to some people who were going to help her get to another country where she would study nursing. Instead, she was forced to have sex with about 40 men a day. When she got pregnant and gave birth, they took her baby and sold the baby to pedophiles. Irene couldn’t take it anymore and leapt from the 4th floor of the apartment where she was held hostage. She was found, brought to A21, a foundation that fights sexual trafficking, and last I read, started pursuing her dream of becoming a nurse. 

There is too much evil in the world. But the vision in the Book of Revelation chapter 12 gives us hope. Because of Mary’s yes, because she gave birth to Jesus, and because Jesus gave His life for us on the cross, “Now have salvation and power come, and the Kingdom of God and the authority of His anointed.” 

(Rev. 12:10)