“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!" Mark 10:25
This is just such a hard story to understand. On the one hand you see Jesus looking at this rich young man lovingly. Then right after, condemning him to a life of eternal damnation just because he would not sell all he had and give the money to the poor. How many of us would be able to do that at the drop of a hat? Not many, I'm pretty sure of that! I was thinking if only that man stayed and listened. If only that young man followed Jesus! He would have heard Jesus' teachings, and little by little, he would have desired to do what Jesus wanted him to do.
Jesus said to His disciples, "Everything is possible with God." We shouldn't give up on ourselves just because we can't follow Jesus perfectly! Just because we can't give up everything and go to the ends of the earth and spread the Gospel. Just because we get impatient with little things and are ungrateful or cannot really forgive. Jesus already paid the price for our salvation. We just need to follow Him day after day, and we will change slowly but surely.
St. Paul wrote to the Philippians: " And I am certain that God who began the good work within you will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."
Lord Jesus, teach me Your ways and make my heart like yours.