
Friday, July 05, 2013

Paint Party Friday: Courage, Child!

Oh dear! I like how this turned out
EXCEPT I made a mistake with the husband's left hand!
Will have to do something about that!

Sometimes in a marriage, 
we make mistakes too.
It is a good thing if, like paint and paper,
we can correct our mistakes
by asking forgiveness and to forgive.

That is how a marriage relationship becomes strong.
I like the analogy of multiple threads 
sewing each other together through the years.
We should NOT give up but should keep
talking, communicating, praying together
and praying with others too! 

"Courage, child, your sins are forgiven..."
When we forgive each other, when we accept that
we have wronged each other,
then relationships can be healed.
Sometimes unforgiveness and resentment
cause physical ailments.
Just yesterday my mom's doctor encouraged her
to examine if there are any unresolved issues
in her past because this may have aggravated
her tongue condition.

Let us not wait for any kind of physical illness
but every day, seek to be in good terms with every one!
And those issues we cannot do anything about but pray,
let us let go and leave it to our Father to take care of! 

I have finally finished my Deuteronomy 6 canvas
which I started a million years ago!
that I give you today are to be 
upon your HEARTS..."
One way I try to put God's words 
in my heart is to paint it
because I am a visual person.

For a long time,
I could not figure out how to write the words on the canvas-
using gel transfer, by decoupage, tracing, etc?

Finally decided just to write it with my trusty
Pigma Micron pen!
It was done in a few minutes! 
Now I am excited to do a canvas on Psalm 91!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose


  1. Great pieces. I like the left hand "mistake"
    Have a great weekend

  2. Awesome and oh so true. Love your work. You really put your soul into these pieces. Nice job.

  3. Beautiful the colors and use of text!

  4. Patsy, your work is an inspiration and a blessing. I love the way you use the scriptures in your art.

  5. I love the people on your canvas in the windows of the house just brilliant..
    Happy PPF
    Sandy :)

  6. Love the paintings particularly the building ツ

  7. Wonderful work, I would never have noticed a mistake if you hadnt pointed it out:) I love the tall house on your Dt.6:6 and you have written the words beautifully

  8. I think that tall house piece is especially lovely,m though i do like the slight tinges of that lovely background colour that is coming through the top piece... have a wonderful week...xx

  9. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I love your art and words, sewing threads for the marriage, so fitting since today is our anniversary.......will be thinking of that all day. xox

  10. Beautiful works! Your handwriting is wonderful. I totally agree on art as a way to memorize Scripture.

  11. Wonderful artworks,dear Patsy! Love the Colors and the Story. HPPF Erika

  12. Lovely marriage sentiment. Thank you for sharing. =)

  13. Lovely portraits again this week, Patsy.
    Always love the colors and textures of your art.
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  14. Such beautiful work and encouraging words. Bless you!

  15. You have a treasure trove of inspiration in God's word. Lovely portraits and I often find a mistake like that when I photograph. I like how you embraced it and made it part of the post.

  16. Good thoughts about marriage. I like the quote in your first painting. Lovely colors, images, and thoughts as usual. Thanks for linking up to Bible Love Notes TGIF.

  17. really beautiful art and posting. I especially love the last project! Happy PPF!

  18. Beautiful pieces showing your faith & belief.

  19. Lovely art for this week! HPPF!

  20. Beautiful! Crazy how being in good relationship with Jesus and letting Him change us can actually free us of physical ailments. So much power in Jesus!

  21. Wonderful paintings & thoughts. I especially liked ... "Let us not wait for any kind of physical illness but every day, seek to be in good terms with every one!" So very true. Every day is a precious gift we have been given. Thank you for sharing. I was your neighbor at Spiritual Sundays :)
    Have a blessed Sunday!

  22. Love this. And it is interesting how you found the error.. he is ambidextrous? Or turned his hand around to say hi to everyone?

    Love your paintings.
    Following you from Weekend Brew.

  23. Lovely! I would not have noticed the mistake. Great work!

  24. Simply amazing .... completely adore your work, so inspiring!

  25. Stunning artwork and I am always so inspired by your visiting here!!

  26. I absolutely LOVE your first painting especially & it's theme of UNITY! :) (Didn't even noticed the husband's left hand) Thought it was wonderful! So inspiring!

  27. Anonymous4:16 AM

    I love how you praise God with your gift - I also love how you can write so neat and beautiful with a pen:)

  28. Truly a beautiful painting and wisdom. . .it would be nice to get through to people on these thoughts. . .so much of life is wasted on things that don't really matter. . .forgive and move on. . . Blessings, Janet PPF

  29. Beautiful as always Patsy! I am blessed by your art, your love of Scripture and opening of His Word and your heart! Thanks for linking with RJD!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy