Monday, January 18, 2016

God's Favorite!

"I am God's favorite and He will fill me to overflowing". 
The verses in Exodus 33 about God saying to Moses, 
" have found favor with me, and you are my friend," 
and that God spoke to Moses "as a friend", 
found a place in my heart as my One Word for 2016 is "favorite". 
How God loves to surprise me and give me confirmation that I am indeed His favorite!

I remembered that I was a favorite of my Grade 4 teacher in UP, 
and she gave me the responsibility of taking attendance. 
But one day, I forgot to do my homework, and right away, 
I had fallen from her good graces and the responsibility was taken away 
and given to someone else. 
I felt so bad. I am so thankful that God is not like that. 
Even if we mess up, He is quick to forgive and continues 
to show His love and faithfulness!!!!

But it does not mean if you are God's favorite, that everything will be rosy! 
As Saint Teresa of Avila complained to her best friend Jesus about her troubles, 
Jesus answered, "Teresa, that is how I treat my friends!" 
Saint Teresa retorted, "No wonder you have so few friends!"

I believe we are each God's favorites, the apple of His eye, His friend, 
and He wants to fill us to overflowing 
if we can see beyond our troubles and challenges to the gold hidden there!

 "Obedience is better than sacrifice." 1 Samuel 15:22

God ordered Saul to completely destroy the sinners, the Amalekites, every last one of them, even their cattle, their sheep, everything.of  But Saul did not obey. Instead, he offered the best of the sheep and cattle of the Amalekites in sacrifice to God, thinking God would be pleased.  God became so mad, He rejected Saul as King of Israel and gave the responsibility to someone else. Sometimes we do not understand the mind of God, especially if we have not been trained in His ways since childhood, or if we have not received formation from men and women of God. That's why it is important to join a Bible based church or community. How can we obey if we do not seek God's will? How can we obey if we do not hear His voice? 

I so admire people who are able to obey even if what God asks is difficult, impossible even! In our community, we have a prophetic message for the year, and this year our word is "Expand your Heart, ...Your Reach,...Your Mission". One sister took this word as her own and accepted into her home the daughter of her son's girlfriend even if this was not her son's child! She said she did not understand the Lord's purpose and it is so difficult for them because they are not well off, but she felt the Lord's prodding. I do believe that with obedience comes blessing, and much blessing is in store for their household because of their obedience! And sacrifice as well! 


  1. What a great word for 2016. I want to really think about being God's favourite too.

    Beautiful art, as always. I love the darling girl.

    Hugs & smiles,

  2. Love your artwork and post this week Patsy!
    Congrats - you are one of our Featured Guests at this week's Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy! #212


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy