“Christ suffered for sins once, the righteous for the sake of the unrighteous, that He might lead you to God...” 1 Peter 3:18

Saint Peter further wrote that 8 people were saved through water in the days of Noah. This prefigured baptism which saves us now. I think it is amazing that Peter the fisherman understood what Jesus did, and wrote about it. Unlike Saint Paul who was trained in the law and the prophets in the school of Gamaliel since he was young, Peter had no such advantage. But Peter learned at the feet of the Master, undergoing strict, rigorous on the job training. He went everywhere with Jesus, and even when he failed Jesus, the Lord used it as a teaching moment.
Jesus may not be physically present today, but if we spend time with Him and His Word, He will teach us. Indeed, His whole life was spent, used up, drained, depleted, exhausted, just so He could lead all of us to God. Any time spent getting to know Him and His ways will never be wasted time. He loves us so much that any time or space we spend with Jesus, He will pour more and more of His treasure, His promises, His life, His joy in us!
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy