Friday, January 04, 2019

Come and See

“Come and you will see.” John 1:39

What a glorious invitation! First and foremost because there is no pretense with Jesus. No hypocrisy. “Come and see,” He says to the curious, the skeptical, to those who are seeking, to those who scoff and ridicule Him, even to those who insult and curse Him today. The invitation is always there, welcoming, waiting, loving. 

The gods fashioned in people’s minds have always acted like people. Frivolous, arrogant, petulant, controlling, unpredictable, easily angered, and the list goes on and on. Man did not expect a God who humbled Himself, who could have come with power and lighting rods to announce Himself, and yet chose a manger for His bed. He could have barged into history, after all it was His story to make, but instead He arrived without fanfare. 

Today, He still prefers to come without fanfaronade or pageantry. He still invites us to come and see, to open our hearts to Him, to see what He has done in the lives of those who follow Him. Do we accept His invitation with a humble heart, longing to fill the God sized space in our souls? Or do we prefer to fashion our own gods, to consume the time we have left on earth running after man made frivolities with diminishing returns? 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy