Monday, April 11, 2022

Never Give Up

“I tell you, Peter, before the cock crows this day, you will deny three times that you know Me.” Luke 22:34

“Though all may have their faith in You shaken, mine will never be," Peter said this to Jesus in, I imagine, a firm decisive manner (Matthew 26:33). But as we all know he betrayed Jesus three times. The great difference between Peter and Judas is that Judas gave up and did not repent. He was so filled with guilt and remorse and who knows what else! 

As we enter into Holy Week, I look to Peter. Like Peter I have betrayed Jesus many times. I can be impatient and unkind, and one of the worst thing Jesus hates, judgmental! But Jesus knows our weaknesses and forgives us, even if we find it hard to forgive ourselves! We just need to never give up and look to Him to be washed clean.

Thank You Lord for never giving up on us, for allowing Yourself to be forsaken by Your Father so we wouldn't be! Thank You for the example of all the weak men like Peter and the saints, who did not give up, but when they turned to you for strength and forgiveness, were able to go on victoriously!

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy