Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Word Before the World

This is how far I’ve gone with my nativity project. The base separated from the main piece when I baked it so I am still figuring how to put it together! I don’t know if  putting clay will help!!! 

“If the Lord is God, follow him; if Baal, follow him.” 1 Kings 18:20

The other day I was with my three and a half year old grandson. We were having a great time designing labels for some empty bottles. Then we switched activities and I gave him 5 minutes to listen to his favorite songs on Spotify. Although I was right beside him, I did not notice that when the timer went off, he quickly pressed the notification so I wouldn’t notice it was past 5 minutes. When I got suspicious that he was using my cellphone too long, I got the phone and saw that the timer was off. His little finger was so fast and he pressed start, but his face was lighted up with a big cheeky smile that I succumbed and said, “OK, 5 minutes more. But no more extension!”

When the time was up, his mood suddenly changed and I was faced with a rebellious teenager 10 years too early! After I explained that I loved him so much I did not want him to get addicted to devices that’s why we are limiting his time, he said to me, “Lola Pat, I do not accept your advice!” It was actually amusing to me to see this little kid so mad and quarreling with me, but it is not cute when adults get addicted to scrolling on phones and tablets. 

If we put these worldly diversions first, and there are many, before our relationship with God, before praying, and reading the Bible, then we know we are following another god. It is not a god of gold, but it is a god nonetheless. I always try, and sometimes I fail, to put the Word before the World when I wake up in the morning. We need to immerse ourself in the Word so we can be ready to face the world with all its challenges! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy