“My son, do not disdain the discipline of the Lord or lose heart when reproved by him; for whom the Lord loves, he disciplines; he scourges every son he acknowledges.” Hebrews 12:5-6
Yesterday, my 4 yr old grandchild and I finished a project on my iPad. It was all his idea, making a book about how a hyena lost his spots and hired detectives to help him find it. Elijah said, “Lola Pat, I appreciate our Procreate time.” So polite and well behaved! But he can be a little monster at times when his expectations are not met, and he will jump up and down in frustration.
We do not expect to be able to do everything we want every day of our lives. When we were children, we were disciplined because our parents want the very best for us, just as the Lord disciplines us. My son is already 30 years old, but when he was young, if he did something wrong, he would have a time out and had to stand in the corner. He used to sleep in between Luigi and me when he was still a toddler, and one time in his sleep, he kicked me, and I shouted out in pain. Luigi and I were surprised when he got out of bed and walked to the corner in the dark and stayed there. I appreciated what my son did, although I would not have told him to do so.
We too should not disdain the discipline of the Lord as we know it is for our own good. We should welcome it. Sin brings consequences and we should not expect to get away with doing things against God’s will unless God has given up on us. God uses our earthly struggles to mold us. Of course God takes no pleasure in afflicting us, but He will do everything to guide us, His beloved children, back to Him.
Hannah Whitall Smith, a speaker in the 1800s, said, “Look upon your chastening as God’s chariots sent to carry your soul into the high places of spiritual achievement.” Thank You Father, for loving us enough to correct us when we stray.
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy