
Friday, November 30, 2012

All Bad Things to Good!

"But when these signs begin to happen,
stand erect and raise your heads
because your redemption is at hand."
Luke 21:28

What signs?
The end of the world signs!
Earthquakes, upheavals, drought,
storms, etc.
Bad news?
Terrifying news?
Not for those who believe!
In the Good News, I mean!

"How beautiful are the feet 
of those who bring Good News!"
Romans 10:15

I would like to be the bearer of Good News!
I'm sure you would too!
And what could be the best news
but that in spite of all the upheavals
and bad storms and earthquakes
happening in the world today,
we are not alone,
our God is working for our benefit,
and will work ALL bad things for our good!

Well, when I wanted to illustrate 
Romans 10:15, 
I could not see how I could draw
a whole body with feet in 30 minutes-
which is all the time I have early in the morning!
So I looked for a picture
and traced it!!!
I should have made her face bigger though!
I kind of like how it turned out!

I have said this before,
but my sister Peggy says that
if we want to learn to draw faces,
hands, bodies, positions, 
one of the best way is to trace.
The muscles of our hands will remember.
That is how she learned 
how to draw her beautiful faces!

Every week I choose one wonderful
visitor who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.

I know how much time and effort
it takes to leave a comment!
and I appreciate that soooo much!

This week Random Generator
chose #8,  Anne Manda
who makes such fabulous illustrations 
on her blog,  Kuvia Matkalta.

Linking with

Sometimes I put on my best pajamas and
join these wonderful blog parties!!!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

WOYWW: Do NOT be Terrified!

Well here is my desk.
I only have a little space to work on
and I really SHOULD do some organizing
to have more space!
This is what's on my left.
A shelf full of acrylic paints.
And a jumble of stuff.
Hidden on the right, my Prismacolor pencils,
acrylic emulsion I have yet to use,
foam brushes, etc etc. 
It's a jungle in there and 
I'm afraid to put my hand in!

A bonus picture of my fast growing pile
of Christmas presents.
Another place for Mickey to hide in.
I have to start wrapping
but I am preparing a workshop on 
Life Mapping.

"Do not be terrified." Luke 21:9
Jesus here was speaking about 
the end times-
do not be afraid when you hear of
wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes,
drought, storms and other upheavals.

Lots of things are happening now
but I think we are more anxious about
things happening in our midst.
For example the workshop
I am giving for the first time.
The lack of time I need to prepare.
What if I don't get it right?

Or maybe we're anxious about 
a close relative deciding whether to 
undergo surgery or not,
an only son going off to a remote place,
or a problem at work, 
or a relationship that needs to be fixed.
There are many things to be anxious about.
And yet...

Jesus also says,
"I myself will give you wisdom."
Luke 21:15.
Whatever we need, guidance, peace,
strength, confidence...
God is there to provide it.
We need only to ask.

Our ATC Workshop last Saturday
went very well.

I taught how to paint over 
magazine pictures of women
with acrylic paint
to make your own little works of art!

Even my sister Peggy said it was so easy!
She got excited and started making a LOT!!!!

Every week I choose one wonderful
visitor who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.

I know how much time and effort
it takes to leave a comment!
and I appreciate that soooo much!

This week Random Generator
chose #8,  Anne Manda
who makes such fabulous illustrations 
on her blog,  Kuvia Matkalta.

Joining the lovely Julia for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?

Sometimes I put on my best pajamas 
and party here:


Monday, November 26, 2012

ALL for the KING!

Yesterday I had an awesome experience
at the CATCHFIRE Rally!
Several Christian communities under one roof,
all praising and worshiping the one and only KING!

He is King of ALL the living!
And I can imagine that
while we were praising and singing songs,
the saints in heaven were also praising with us!

Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of this world.
As His subjects, as His people, called by His name,
we are also NOT of this world! 
We do not belong here,
and one day, we will go to our real home!

Meanwhile, let us give ALL to the King!
Like the widow who gave her all,
let us leave nothing back.
Bobby Quitain in yesterday's rally encouraged us
to give our H-E-A-R-T to the King-
Anxieties and Aspirations

Great lessons and great stories!

Thank you to all 
who gave their blood, sweat and tears!
It was a huge success!
I know it will bear much fruit for the Kingdom!

Every week I choose one wonderful
visitor who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.

I know how much time and effort
it takes to leave a comment!
and I appreciate that soooo much!

This week Random Generator
chose #8,  Anne Manda
who makes such fabulous illustrations 
on her blog,  Kuvia Matkalta.

Sometimes I can't resist putting on

 my best pajamas 
and joining these blog parties!!!