
Monday, November 19, 2012

Read Aloud!

Here is the journal that I've just filled up.
It doesn't close very well,
so I decided to make my own
with an old leather jacket for a cover.

Here it is.
It took me an hour and what I like about it,
is I can keep adding pages
because I used rings to bind the papers.
have a look see how I did it here.

This is the first time I've encountered this version
of Rev. 1:3, "Blessed is the one who reads aloud."
I've always thought we should read 
the Word of God ALOUD
because faith comes from HEARING!

 We should live each day as if it were our last!!!

A lot of the readings in the Book of Revelation
are quite difficult to understand.

"Page after page flashes bizarre 
and frightening images:
of wars and plagues,
beasts and angels,
rivers of blood,
demonic frogs,
and seven-headed dragons."
Scott Hahn, "The Lamb's Supper"

The homilist in mass said yesterday
that these Revelation readings should not 
instill fear in us but hope.
The end of the world will end all
misery, all despair, all war,
all ugliness.
The best strategy would be
to live each and every day as if it were our last!

Every week I choose one wonderful
visitor who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.

I know how much time and effort
it takes to leave a comment!
and I appreciate that soooo much!

This week Random Generator
chose #48, 
Mary Walker of Mary Walker Designs.
Art is "me" time for Mary 
and she happily blogs about it!

Sometimes I can't resist putting on
 my best pajamas 
and joining these blog parties!!!


  1. Have many questions evertime I read the revelation, but God always there to let me understand:)
    I share also the thoughts that God is giving me in my orher blog:
    Have a nice week patsy:)

  2. great art, and love the sentiments!

  3. Received your gift today, thanks.

  4. It is just amazing to me how God works through His people and their art to bless others. Our pastor was just talking last night about our need to pray aloud, and read God's Word aloud. In the presence of God and His angels, and all the demons and Satan, in the spiritual realm - it brings honor to God when His people are heard praising Him, praying to Him, and reading His Word out loud so that all the spirits KNOW that HE ALONE is the King of King, Lord of Lords, and the only One worthy of our praise. This really spoke to my heart and reminded me to do this, and I am making a point of doing it more often. Let ALL the world know (in the spiritual realm and the physical realm) that we serve the Most High, and that His people DO love Him and will never cease to lift Him up and call Him holy. You are a blessing to me!
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  5. I love how reading the Bible aloud can change the dynamic of my heart. There is something so strong about the spoken Word.

    Again, I love you art. Every time I come here I long for a piece!!

  6. Ordinary Words...Enjoyed your blog♫

  7. One thing we know for sure, keep His Word in your heart and mouth at all times. It is good to be reminded of these things. Thank you for sharing this wonderful work of art with us and to God be the Glory for
    He has blessed you with such a talent.
    Psalm 103 Blessings
    Carole Robb Bisson
    Word art Wednesday

  8. I love your artwork and I love God and His word...the way you combine the two is totally awesome. Thanks for being an inspiration world wide!!
    Sherri J


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy