
Friday, November 23, 2012

Hang on to God's Word

When Jesus would speak,
all the people were hanging on to His Words.
Luke 19:48.

At that time, even though His enemies
wanted to harm him, 
they could not.
Jesus' words were like weapons:
"living and effective,
sharper than any two edged sword."
Hebrews 4:12

When we have enemies,
we too can use the Word of God
to ward them off!
"Discouragement! Fear! Resentment!
In the name of Jesus, I cast you out!"
Instead of being overwhelmed with
the troubles and worries of our situation,
we can look for a Bible verse,
write it down,
and read it aloud during the day.

This is St. Cecilia.
Yesterday was her feast day, 
and she is the Patron Saint of Musicians
because she was always praising God
even on her death bed.
She believed the Word of God
and was martyred for her faith.
There are so many amazing stories about her
and maybe half of her are legend,
but one thing is true.
She was one of those who lived 
by the Words of Jesus.
That's why she was able to convert many
to become Christians
at a time when Christians
were being persecuted!

I have been busy carving new stamps from
erasers as I went to a sale and found many
cheap erasers of different sizes.

So of course I started stamping like crazy 
and making new backgrounds for my little paintings!

Every week I choose one wonderful
visitor who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.

I know how much time and effort
it takes to leave a comment!
and I appreciate that soooo much!

This week Random Generator
chose #48, 
Mary Walker of Mary Walker Designs.
Art is "me" time for Mary 
and she happily blogs about it!


  1. Great stamps you made. Love the paints

  2. What a blessing, Patsy, to have another piecce of your beautiful art shared in our challenge this week. I'm just about to head over to friends for our Thanksgiving feast. I want you to know that I am grateful for you.
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday


  4. lovely work this week!

  5. Your backgrounds are wonderful. Preparing them before you need them is a great idea. They are ready for those times you are running into a time crunch. Blessings, Janet, PPF

  6. Both of these pages are beautiful. The backgrounds are wonderful. I love the stamps you're making, too. Your work is always so inspiring. Thank you!

  7. You did such a great job on the hands holding the bible! And your stamps are beautiful.

  8. Lovely pieces, pretty stamps!

  9. Wow, you have been busy, you have created some wonderful work and I love your rubber stamps, I must try to make one :)

  10. Such wonderful painting. :) Love the stamps!

  11. beautiful piece and beautiful stamps! Happy PPF!

  12. Beautiful little paintings of devotion and wonderful new stamps!

  13. My second daughters life has not been easy and she encounters problems all the time in work, husband, children and health. And I try always to help her as much as I can. And I asked God many times when all those pains will come to an end. Then God lead me to pray and claim his words for my daughter. BLessings and healing and protection. I told my daughter to pray and claim the promises in Psalm 23, 91 and 103.
    Coz it is the only way to defeat the enemy. God's words and believing in his promises.

    Your post is always an inspiration.
    Dropping by from " Best post of the week" my entry:

  14. Loving your devotional pages and your fab stamps.
    Happy PPF, Annette x

  15. Your stamps are great! Happy PPF!

  16. You are wonderfully creative! Great pages and hand carved stamps!

  17. Hi Patsy! I've been visiting your blogs for a while now and enjoy the beauty of your artwork. I also like your focus on the word of God.At times it is all we have to hang on to and it's all we need because God's word is alive and more than enough to meet any situation in life. Thanks for visiting my blog and blessing me. God bless. :)

  18. very cute stamps and i love your paintings with your encouraging words. your blog is a blessing!

  19. I love your homemade stamps! Why haven't I thought to do that. I have a bazillion erasers around here! :D

  20. Great paintings, love the stamps. Your words are spot on!

  21. such cool stamps...makes me wanna curve my own ;) I need some erasers !!!

  22. I am almost at a loss for words. You have such a gift to encourage others with your very blessed art and God's Word. Thank you for linking up at WAW.
    Psalm 103 Blessings,
    Carole Robb Bisson,
    Word Art Wednesday

  23. Holding onto God's word and warding off our enemies by His power--a powerful reminder, Patsy! Your blog is spiritually inspiring, and I have it bookmarked so I can visit often! I love those hand-carved stamps.

  24. Love these pieces and the thought of hanging onto His word! Look at all those new backgrounds... how wonderful!! :)

  25. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Love your ATCs. "all the people were hanging...." - is that an ATC? It's really nice and can see it as a larger print.

  26. Jesus' words are very powerful. They're alive and hanging on to His words gives life. God bless!

  27. Just stopped by from the Meet and Greet at Dryada Journals and so glad I did! What a beautiful blog. I love your paintings, your words...all of it! Those stamps you just carved are really beautiful as well. Have a wonderful weekend!

  28. It was a good reminder. We must always trust and praise our Dear Lord and share His Words in any possible way. He's all that counts forever and ever. Other aspects/elements can come and go, but He will not... period.

  29. All of these are lovely, Patsy. The first one speaks to me, especially. Thank you for sharing.

  30. Hi there, Patsy! it's been a while but rest assured, I haven't forgotten you. As always, I love your designs and how you blend those images to the background is just amazing. Thanks for blessing us with your wonderful artwork this week at Word Art Wednesday. Have an awesome day!

    JO ANN

  31. Love the stamps--I noticed the pretty backgrounds right away!

    Happy PPF!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy