
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

WOYWW: Be Faithful in Small Matters

Wednesdays have a tendency of creeping up on you!
I had a mind to clean up a bit as the space on my desk
is getting smaller and smaller!

That's why I have stuff piled up 
on top of my garbage can (the paint pots)!
The mess on the left are my mark makers
(handcarved stamps, bottle caps,
styrofoam, bubble wrap, etc.)

Today I read about the servants who were left
by their master while he went on a journey.
He gave each of the servants a gold coin each
and upon his arrival,
he asked for an accounting. 
To the servant who was able to multiply
his money and give back 10 gold coins,
he said, "Well done, good servant!
You have been faithful in this 
very small matter; take charge of 10 cities."

I find that amazing!
When we are faithful in the small things 
that God gives us-
whether it be the small things 
in our family life, our jobs, businesses,
friendships, etc.-
He will give us bigger things
to be responsible for!

In the story of the tax collector, Zacchaeus,
although Zacchaeus was NOT faithful
in small or big things,
Jesus saw his heart and knew
that Zacchaeus just had to be pushed
in the right direction.

I think it's wonderful to know that
God does NOT give up on us!

Every week I choose one wonderful
visitor who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.

I know how much time and effort
it takes to leave a comment!
and I appreciate that soooo much!

This week Random Generator
chose #48, 
Mary Walker of Mary Walker Designs.
Art is "me" time for Mary 
and she happily blogs about it!

Joining the lovely Julia for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?

Sometimes I put on my best pajamas 
and party here:



  1. Love these! Love the story of Zacchaeus !
    Now would you mind telling me about the journal you use? In the top pick. Three Ring and what kind of paper? Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I am not always good with the little things but I try each day to get it right. You are such an inspiration. Joynana

  3. I love coming here, it always inspires me a great deal.
    I am struggling in my faith lately, so your words just reminded me to be a little faithful every day and things will be back to normal soon.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #8

  4. Great story of Zacchaeus! Most of us need a little push once in a while! Very great looking pages in your book again. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #2

  5. Morning, thanks for letting me peek into your creative world this morning. Always inspiring. It is wonderful to me to know that God NEVER gives up on us!

  6. Wonderful pages - so full of colour and inspiration! Happy WOYWW...
    Alison x

  7. Those pages are amazing! And there are so many people this week tidying and sorting! Happy WOYWW xxx Laura #51

  8. lovely pages and i love the story you tell with them i laughed at the tax collector one (its not that i'm bad...) its just that in between visiting desks today i am doing MY tax return!!!
    Jackie 12

  9. You have such a lovely blog - its always a pleasure to visit! Lovely artwork as always. Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl No. 37

  10. Amazing work, very inspiring. Happy WOYWW

  11. Such beautiful art work - you are very talented. Happy Wednesday. :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@23)

  12. Lovely as always, and a nice bit of pink this week too!Happy Crafting!
    Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #42

  13. I'm amazed (and not) that you have painted about today - the very same verse I spoke about in a 2-part post Monday and Tuesday. Isn't the Holy Spirit's whisperings so wonderful?
    Thank you Patsy for your beautiful heart and your beautiful art!

  14. great story and fab pages I love your style ...thank you for sharing your thought's and art I hope to be back x have a wonderful woyww x #26

  15. Your story, right there, is my excuse for spending money instead of multiplying it--I can't take charge of 10 cities! Or even one city. I can barely take charge of myself! Okay, I'm just being silly and feeling overwhelmed. I understand it is all about being rewarded for making the most of what you have. Beautiful pages, as always.

  16. I love to visit you. You already know that. Today it's because you've made me look again. You have a box full of trash...and you use all of it, for they are actually mark makers. Love that.

  17. How good is our God - and how precious to know that we don't have to be like the third servant who lived in fear of the master. We can live in a beautiful relationship with the God of the Universe - WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - and can spend our lives learning all about the lovely giftings He gives each one of us.
    Love looking at your thoughts and pictures each week.
    God bless.

  18. So lovely, Patsy. Thankful for your many gifts and how you share them in this season of thanks.

  19. love your blog, thanks for the snoop

    judie No - 70

  20. Thanks for once again sharing your heart and your talents. It's always a blessing to visit, and I'm so blessed to have you join us each week. I already look forward to seeing your next creation shared with us!
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  21. This is so lovely Patsy...& very inspiring! Thanks for visiting my blog....I promise next week I will give you a peak at the mess instead of hiding it!
    Hugs, Renee

  22. Your ATCs and journal are colorful and inspiring.mhappy WOYWW! Nan 93

  23. The mess is the signs of a creative life. Who has time to clean when you're making such cute pieces? Happy SMWYG!

  24. Your work is inspirational. If i could draw, i could only wish to be at least half as good at it as you are! Keep on with the hard work and spread the love. All the best. x

  25. Patsy, your pages are beautiful. I always look forward to seeing what you have created even though the music (?), animation (?), or something makes it extremely difficult to comment on your works. I have trouble getting the page to stop at the comment section, but it was really worth the trouble to get to see this entry.

  26. I love this "...we ARE faithful in the small things that God gives us..." (emphasis mine).


  27. Thoughtful words as always! I think you have caught Zaccheus' uncertainty perfectly.
    I love that leather jacketed journal you've made in the previous post :)
    Hugs, LLJ #36 xx

  28. I love those stories and the messages of them. Thanks for the reminder of God's goodness to us. Thanks for sharing. Caro #60

  29. Patsy, I wish you were here so I could give you a hug. Your work is so honoring to our Lord. No one can accuse you of hiding your talent. Thank you for popping by WAW.
    Psalm 103 Blessings,
    Carole Robb Bisson,
    Word Art Wednesday


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy