Friday, April 03, 2015

PPF: Prophet, Priest & Princess

 "Shall I not drink the cup the Father gave me?" John 18:11
"Are you not also among the disciples of this man?" the woman servant asked Peter. John 18:17
I cannot decide which verse to think about. Both speak to me eloquently. The first one tells me how in following Jesus, we too should go after God's will no matter the difficulty and sacrifice. The second verse shows that even if we desire to follow Jesus, even if we know Him intimately like Peter, there will be times that we will betray Him and say, "No I do not know Him!"

 The important thing is not to despair like Judas, but to repent, continue to drink of the cup, knowing that God will do what we can't. We need to always remember the scene in Mark 16:7, when the women could not find Jesus' body and the angel said, "He is risen. Go tell the disciples AND PETER that He is going to Galilee."
When we fail, we should never, never lose hope. God never gives up on us!

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me..." Luke 4:18
When we were baptized into God's family, and in the Holy Spirit, we were anointed with oil, and made one with Christ. We can say as He did in the temple, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; therefore He has anointed me. He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the blind and release to prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the Lord."
Have we taken this mission given to us seriously? Just like the apostles, we too are sent. The word apostle is from the Classical Greek word 'apóstolos' meaning 'one who is sent away'. We all share in Christ's threefold mission as priest, prophet and king.

As prophet, we are supposed to reveal God and speak to others about Him. We are His witnesses. As priest, we can intercede for others! We are mediators, a bridge between God and man.
As King, or princess, as I prefer, we are given authority over a territory. Jesus came to announce the Kingdom of God, so that God can reign in our hearts. Just as Jesus exercised His Kingship by serving, we too should have servant hearts.
Lord, as we come to the end of Lent, may we find renewed strength and power to serve You and remember that we share in Your threefold mission. Amen!


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  1. Beautiful paintings and a good reminder to hold onto the hope that lies within us through Jesus Christ our Lord.
    Easter blessings,

  2. Our Lord is risen. Happy Easter! :)


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy