Wednesday, November 25, 2020


“You will even be betrayed by parents,

brothers, relatives, and friends, and they will put some of you to death.” Luke 21:16

In today’s modern world it is staggering to discover that eleven people are killed every day just for being Christian. This is a statistic from Open Door’s World Watch List. The most dangerous places to be a Christian includes North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen, Iran and even India. To say “yes” to Jesus in these countries and many others means persecution, being cut off from government services like water, and even imprisonment. Many converts have to live their faith in secret, or face violent intense pressure from family to renounce their faith. And yet in spite of persecution and discrimination, there are 100-200 million Christians alleged to be under assault who still keep their faith. The majority are persecuted in Muslim-majority nations. 

We are so free here in the Philippines to express our faith, even announce it on billboards. We do not get surprised to see a Bible verse on a huge sign along the highway, or illuminated in lights in a tall building. Sometimes when we have a guest from abroad they tell us that having a sign like that is illegal in their country. They cannot even say “Merry Christmas” for fear of offending someone! They have to say “Happy Holidays” instead. They cannot put a nativity scene in public property. How terribly sad that people want to celebrate during this time of the year, give gifts, decorate their homes, but refuse to acknowledge the birthday celebrant! 

The advent season is almost upon us. Let us make the most of this to make a place in our hearts for Jesus! I do not remember a time when there has been so many free Advent recollections and reflections available online. That is one wonderful thing that has come out of this extended lockdown due to the virus. Thank You Jesus! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy