Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Rooted in Him

“Walk in Christ, rooted in Him and built upon Him...” Colossians 2:7

One of my favorite images from the Bible is from Psalm 1:3. It says a person who meditates on God’s Word day and night is like a tree planted by running streams, which yields its fruit in due season, and and whose leaves do not wither. Whatever he does, prospers. 

I asked God once during my prayer time, “Could You love me any more than You do already?” I thought God would answer that He couldn’t, for He already loved me with His infinite, unconsummable love. Surprisingly He said that I was like a tree beside a stream, that if I reached out to others in love, my branches would grow longer and farther, and I could hold more and more of His love! I suppose that is what it means to be rooted in Him, built upon Him. 

We should build our lives on the foundation that is Christ, and we can have many branches, our family life, our community and church life, our work, our service, our hobbies, our friends, our organizations, etc. All the branches of our being should be permeated with Christ’s life and grace, so we can really be His disciples on mission in the world. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy