Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Best Kind of Love

“Our Father who art in heaven..." Matthew 6:7-15

In the Old Testament God is called Father a mere 15 times. In the new Testament, in the 4 Gospels alone, He is called Father 170 times!

"Abba", the word used in the prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray, translates to "daddy" showing God wants, no, yearns for an intimate relationship with you and me. As a matter of interest, He says to the prophet Jeremiah, “I thought you would call me ‘Father.” (Jeremiah 3:19)

But verse 15 has a "caveat emptor" in case we think this is a free pass! We have to forgive others their sins, and not only their sins against us, but also what we think they should have done but didn't!

Every day little hurts can pile up.

Words that should or should not have been said. Actions. Gestures. Facial expressions. Gifts or no gifts. 

I remember when my mom said something that hurt me. She came to my house to ask my forgiveness. We talked and talked until we forgave each other. We are all sons and daughters of a loving Father who wants the best for us. And the best love is the love that forgives. That is the kind of love our Father has for us.

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy