Sunday, April 14, 2024

Peaceful Sleep

"As soon as I lie down, I fall peacefully asleep, for You alone, O Lord, bring security to my dwelling." Psalm 4:8

A good sleep is such a blessing. Thankfully, most nights, as long as I am in bed by 9:30 pm, I sleep very well and wake up fully refreshed in time to pray. 

When we can't sleep, we should count our blessings instead of sheep! Sometimes I can't sleep because I am thinking of the long list of things I have to do and take care of. Such a trial! People attempt all sorts of ways to sleep. Some take supplements of taurine, magnesium or vitamin B6. Some need a sleep mask and/or ear plugs to block out noise and light. I've heard of people praying the Rosary to sleep, or inhaling through the left nostril. Some even need to see a doctor, take sleeping pills or go to sleep clinics for insomnia! One time I decided to listen to one of Fr. Dave Concepcion’s Lenten retreats on YouTube. Bad idea! Although I can learn a whole lot from him, he is so funny and can be absurd, I did not sleep a wink and ended up listening to the hour long talk! Never again! 🤣🤣🤣

Truly, we should know that we can leave all our worries and anxieties with God, in His hands, and He will take care of the things we forget, or those things beyond our power to do. As long as we do our part, we can leave the rest to God. “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of!" And while we sleep, we can be sure that He who keeps us will not slumber or rest. (Psalm 121:3-4)

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy