Thursday, April 04, 2024

Times of Refreshment

“Repent...that The Lord may grant you times of refreshment..." 

Acts 3:19 

Who doesn't want to be refreshed? Reinvigorated, restored, rejuvenated? It's not cool to talk about sin and repenting, but that's the only way to get cleansed in our spirits. Much like our body needs to be washed every day so that we can feel good and free from dirt, we need to declog our spirits of the grime, the dirt that accumulates every day. 

I remember the times my whole family would join in the International Coastal Cleanup to remove trash from our beaches. Along with other volunteers, we would spend a day picking up used diapers, shampoo sachets, soda bottles, so much plastic, and put them in bags. It was not so satisfying because after a whole day’s work, there was still so much garbage left on the beach! There really needs to be a continuous effort, not just once a year! because trash piles up! 

It’s the same with our sins. Lord, may I see myself clearly, the way You see me! May I repent of my selfishness, being judgemental, whatever sin You see in me, that You may give me times of refreshment!

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy