Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Our History

“[Paul commands,] ‘Therefore, brethren, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions which you have been taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours’” 2 Thess. 2:15

This is an oft overlooked passage in the Bible especially by some Christian traditions that believe only in ‘sola scriptura’, meaning the Bible alone is the sole authority of Christian doctrine. But there is much the Church Fathers have to say about these traditions Paul speaks about. John Chrysostom in a homily says that from this passage it is clear that Peter, Paul, James and John did not hand down everything by letter, but there is much also that was NOT  written. “Like that which was written, the unwritten too is worthy of belief.”

So Scripture is not the sole rule of faith for Christians. Not according to the Bible. Although we should guard against merely human tradition, it is important for us to cling to apostolic tradition, and this we can find in the writings of the Church Fathers like Ireneus, Origen, etc.

Basil the Great said that, ““Of the dogmas and messages preserved in the Church, some we possess from written teaching and others we receive from the tradition of the apostles, handed on to us in mystery. In respect to piety, both are of the same force. No one will contradict any of these, no one, at any rate, who is even moderately versed in matters ecclesiastical. Indeed, were we to try to reject unwritten customs as having no great authority, we would unwittingly injure the gospel in its vitals; or rather, we would reduce [Christian] message to a mere term” (The Holy Spirit 27:66 [A.D. 375]).

There is indeed so much treasure in the writings of the Church Fathers. It is amazing to read their wisdom as we seek to know more and more the history of the Church, God’s people. Indeed this is our own history! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy