Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Passing Away

“For the world in its present form is passing away.” 1 Corinthians 7:31

No one can doubt that the world is changing very fast. It seems to me that instead of uniting under truth, under goodness and righteousness, people are moving in different directions. Of course there was and is always evil under the sun. I may be mistaken but I think that before, people who had wrong tendencies would not be outspoken and proud to talk about it. People would also not applaud and approve these perverse ideas. Now we can hear it all over TV, comments on Facebook, magazines and radio. A man tweeted that he would support the President even if he raped his wife! 

Should we be alarmed for ourselves and for our children? Scott Hahn, a former Presbyterian who is now a Catholic theologian, said that this world of ours is a great saint making machine. I don’t think God looks down at the world with dismay and anger but with love. God’s love will always find a way to get us into heaven, even if it is through the hell of this world. 

We should be aware that “time is running out” (1 Cor. 7:29). For each of us, the sand in the hourglass is pouring relentlessly and we do not know when God will turn it around and say, “Enough!” When we are aware of the brevity of life, that we should not waste an hour, a minute, a second of it, in useless pursuit of things that will not count for anything in the yardstick of eternity, then we will attain the wisdom of the ages. This is certainly much easier said than done. 

But God is the giver of every good thing. We can trust Him to be patient with us, forgiving, generous and faithful. All of these we should try to be to those who think wrongly, act unjustly, and speak with a forked tongue. That is how we become saints! 

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:^) Patsy