Tuesday, September 03, 2024

The Natural Man

"Now the natural man does not accept what pertains to the spirit of God, for to Him it is foolishness..." 1 Corinthians 2:14

The crucifixion of Jesus is very hard for man to comprehend. Why would God have to come down, be humiliated, be hung on the cross, to save me? He is all powerful! Our brains would say it is foolishness, an idiocy! Why would any smart, intelligent person believe that?!!!!

Why would St. Paul stop persecuting Christians and himself become a Christian? Why would St. Francis of Assisi leave his sumptuous home, his rich food to become a pauper and why would so many men and women decide to follow him? Why would Corrie Ten Boom and her family endanger their lives and hide Jews to protect them from the Nazis? Why would Jim Elliot preach the Good News to uncivilized Auca Indians who eventually speared him and his companions to death for his efforts? Is this comprehensible to the natural man, the man whose mind is not enlightened by the spirit?

There are many things a man will consider foolishness if his mind is “on things below". Let us make sure our minds are renewed and invigorated by the Spirit of God, and go after the wisdom of God, the Word of God made flesh and dwelt among us. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy