Wednesday, March 07, 2012

WOYWW: Do Small Things with Great Love!

My desk early this morning.
After working on my journal.
Do you spy the Ipad to the right?
I have been playing Sims Free Play
and it is seriously taking time from my painting!
It's like playing paper dolls-
only this time, the dolls move on their own
and need to go to the bathroom!!!

We had a Crafternoon last Saturday
with my sister and some friends. 
We did backgrounds and faces.
This is what I made so far.
The flowers and birds are from another project
and I am just trying it on here.
And since I like the idea,
I am making more flowers for her hair.

From yesterday's journal:
"The greatest among you
must be your servant."
Matthew 23:11

And from today's:
"The Son of Man did not come
to be served but to serve
and to give His life for the ransom 
of many."  Matthew 20:28

To be a good leader,
one must be a servant first.
Think Mother Teresa, 
who said:
"Not all of us can do great things,
but we can do small things
with great love."

Joining the lovely Julia for a 
peek at desks and projects!

I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?

Linking up with

Grab My Button



  1. LOL about Sims.

    Do Small Things with Great Love! --> you always make sense :)

    I so love the second picture. I can totally hang that in my wall. My entrance hall would thank me if I do!

    Spanish Pinay

  2. Stunning art work Patsy as always, Have a good week, Hugs May x x x

  3. Hi Patsy,

    Love the girl with the birds and flowers in her hair. So you paint a bunch on a piece of paper and then cut them out? I might do something similar to that for my SheArt - thanks for the idea.

    Happy WOYWW

  4. Loving all the art work top piece has to be my fav.Loving todays saying /Quote!
    Have fab wednesday and a creative week hugs
    judex 9

  5. So true.... always love saying hi and seeing what you are working on.

  6. Your art is too beautiful, don't let that Ipad distract you.

    ** kate **

  7. Beautiful artwork as alwats Patsey, its gorgeous :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx

  8. Sorry Patsy that was meant to say always not alwats, I pressed the wrong key in error!!

  9. Hi there Patsy great desk as always such a cosy looking spot so welcoming and lovely verse to cheer the heart and point it ever upwards.. thanks so much for popping over, and for sharing. Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #32

  10. and it is the small things that require us to pay enough attention to notice they are important, which requires that we spend time and patience on our fellow man/woman, again beautiful art work and wonderful words to live by, always a delight to visit you Patsy,

    D @ 111

  11. Crafternoon sounds fun!

    Happy woyww

    Debs #104

  12. i love looking at your desk, always a lot going on - thanks for the peep

    judie xx

  13. Beautiful work as usual Patsy. Happy WOYWW.

    Ann B

  14. Fab work going on, love the colours. Take care, enjoy this WOYWW & I'm off to snoop some more! Wonder how many I'll get round today? Zo xx 60

  15. Anonymous11:44 PM

    What beautiful artwork you have up there!

  16. Such lovely journal pages! Dani33

  17. Am so not even going to look at SIMS for iPad, no no, too much time!! I love your journal page..those mixed fonts are wonderful.

  18. I realize I am really late getting here, especially since I am #2. But I have had a terrible time keeping my computer running today. Seems it wants to shut down after I get to a blog. I've had lots of trouble here. You have something running that locks me up every time. But I still wanted to stop by and let you know I dropped by, even though this is the third time I've tried to leave a message.

    Happy WOYWW.

  19. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Love your artwork. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a new follower of yours! Hava blessed day!

    Tamika @

  20. Oh I love the background, and flowers in her hair.

  21. Loved the He didn't come to be served but to serve. I love all of your artwork!

  22. Beautiful pictures and I love the words.
    Have a great week.
    Von #37

  23. Hope your Crafternoon went well. Sounds as though you have loads of exciting things on the go. Your painting is amazing, beautiful colours. xx Maggie #8

  24. Howdy Patsy,
    Happy WOYWW!

    Nifty workspace - your work is fantastic - thanks for the peek.

    Would love for you to visit my blog, and become a follower when you have a moment or 2. Also, get Freebies to celebrate my 2nd blogoversary!

    'LuLu' #169

  25. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Hi Patsy - I love the Matt 23v11 drawing. Its always exciting visiting over here :)
    God bless and thanks for linking up

  26. Patsy I love your art work and what a great posting, just playing catch up, thanks for sharing, hugs,

  27. Howdy again Patsy,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog to comment! Fyi, my Spring Giveaway is coming SOON! It's going to be a doozy! So please check back often...


  28. I just love your pretty creations! So unique and have me in the mood to paint!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy