"You must bear witness as well..." John 15:27

This is one of a long list of instructions that Jesus left with the disciples before he was taken away to be tried and crucified. What does "bear witness" mean exactly? When one is called to be a witness in a trial, we have to tell the truth to the best of our ability. But when Jesus said we have to bear witness on his behalf, it is not just a matter of proclaiming to one and all that we are a Christian. The most important part is living as a Christian in the power of His Spirit.
I may write everyday about the Bible, but that would be totally worthless if my friends, my family, our employees, my helper Lucy, see that I do not practice my faith! The Christian's life is the world's Bible, someone said.

Lord, may I bear witness to Your saving love and the victory You won for us. May we live the life You have called us to, not just on a Sunday, or in our church, or prayer meeting, but always, whether there is someone who sees or not.
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy