"I will not leave you orphans."
John 14:18

In the Amplified Bible, it reads: "I will not leave you orphans- comfortless, desolate, bereaved, forlorn, helpless- I will come back to you." Jesus reassured the disciples of His abiding presence in their lives, even as He told them that He was going to leave them. He will send the Paraclete, a helper, comforter, counselor, intercessor, advocate, strengthener, and standby who will remain with them, and us, forever.
Today I have a one track mind. Even as I am reading scripture, and meditating on it, I confess that half my mind is on the garage sale that is happening today. Why did I go through all this trouble of asking for donations, pricing the things, getting my house in a mess? Because I am part of a community, and my brother and sister in community need support and help with their situation. I see Jesus' Words come alive in our community. When our brother Arnold got into a comma, and was hospitalized, so many prayed, so many helped financially. So many visited and gave concrete support, taking turns watching in the hospital, helping our sister with decision making, etc. A fund raising concert was organized. I can not help but wonder how our sister is coping. It is very hard, yes, but on the other hand, she can see concrete evidence of God's love for her and her family. God did not leave her orphaned, desolate, comfortless, without people around to support and help her in the best way they could.

Thank You Lord for Your Comforter who abides with us forever. Truly You did not leave us orphans. You surround us with Your love and presence even during trying and hard times.
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy