The son of a friend of mine has been in prison for 6 months now. Blame it on a skewed justice system. He's just 23 years old and we've been visiting the prison, bringing bibles, chairs for their chapel, food for the meetings, and now we're collecting shirts and pants for the prisoners to wear when they have hearings.
It's so inspiring to talk to this young man because he proves Romans 8:28: And we know that God causes
all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. It's a terrible thing for him to have to stay in jail with all the other prisoners. We know all the horror stories. But after talking to him, I could see God's hand.
He admitted that if God hadn't allowed him to go to jail, his life may have gone on a downward spiral. But now, I see that he's grown in the Lord, his heart has expanded, and he's recognized his gifts. He is developing his drawing and painting, something he didn't use to do. He didn't use to read, now he's read 30 books. He didn't use to write, now he has a journal. When before he was concerned with acquiring the best cellphone, he now appreciates simple joys. He also cares about the other inmates. He makes really tasty sandwiches, cuts them up, and serves his fellow inmates. He esp. tries to show care to those without visitors, because these men sometimes get crazy!
Hebrews 13:3
Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners,
He'll be turning 24 soon, and I'm collecting encouraging messages to bring to the jail on his birthday. Won't you say a prayer for him please?
Blog Candy Extravaganza- drop by Crissy's Art & Heart for an some goodies. Draw ends on the 18th of the month.