“Everyone is asking for you." Mark 1:37
Jesus was very tired after a busy day. He and His companions, Simon, Andrew, James and John had gone to the synagogue as it was a Sabbath. Jesus taught with such authority that many were caught with amazement. Then at the same synagogue an evil spirit confronted Him and He exorcised the spirit. After the service, He left and visited Simon and Andrew’s home, and healed the mother-in-law of Simon. At sunset, because word had reached many people about Him, a horde of sick and demon-possessed people were at the door. Many gathered to watch as he healed them all.
Did Jesus rest after this? He woke long before daybreak the next day and went out alone to the wilderness and prayed. If Jesus had to pray, found it necessary to connect with the Father, shouldn’t we prioritize taking the time to do so as well? Sometimes we say we have so much to do, there just isn’t enough time. So many things call for our attention.
Simon and the others went off to find Him. When they did, they said, “Everyone is looking for you!” Sound familiar? So many people are asking to see us, so many asking us to do this or do that, attend this, attend that, plan this, plan that. My planner is so full of activities and a long TO DO list, and the year has just started!
What did Jesus do? Did He rush off with His disciples to heal those waiting at the door again? That’s a good thing to do, isn’t it? But He said, “We must go to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too, because that is why I came.” He was very clear about His “battle plan”. And it’s all because He went to His commander first thing in the morning.
Life is a constant battle. There are so many things to do, and a lot of it are good things to do. How do we choose what would make the biggest difference, the biggest impact in terms of eternity? Lord, may we go to You, for wisdom, for strength, for our instructions.