"The decree of the Lord is trustworthy,
giving wisdom to the simple." Psalm 19:8

One of my favorite saints is Saint Joseph of Cupertino.
His start in life was highly inauspicious.
He was mostly a nuisance to his family and other people in his village.
He was simple minded and slow and he could not understand his lessons.
His mother tried to get rid of him by apprenticing him to a shoemaker,
then to the monks, but he was always rejected.
His start in life was highly inauspicious.
He was mostly a nuisance to his family and other people in his village.
He was simple minded and slow and he could not understand his lessons.
His mother tried to get rid of him by apprenticing him to a shoemaker,
then to the monks, but he was always rejected.
Finally he became the caretaker of the mule in the Franciscan monastery.
After some years, he was asked to study scripture,
but there was only one verse in the Bible that he managed to master,
"Blessed is the womb that bore you!" (Luke 11:27)
When he was being tested for the deaconate,
the Bishop opened the Bible to that very passage,
and Saint Joseph was able to explain it well!
Eventually he became a priest passing his exam by the same grace.
After some years, he was asked to study scripture,
but there was only one verse in the Bible that he managed to master,
"Blessed is the womb that bore you!" (Luke 11:27)
When he was being tested for the deaconate,
the Bishop opened the Bible to that very passage,
and Saint Joseph was able to explain it well!
Eventually he became a priest passing his exam by the same grace.
Indeed we do not need to be smart or
articulate to do God's will or become a saint!
Lord, thank You that You do not choose the wise,
but You make the simple wise by Your Word!
articulate to do God's will or become a saint!
Lord, thank You that You do not choose the wise,
but You make the simple wise by Your Word!