Welcome to my blog!
My name is Patsy
and I am from the Philippines!
I like to do mixed media art,
ATCS, sewing, jewelry,
and sometimes I post about my
creative faith journal.
This time I have a story for you:
My name is Patsy
and I am from the Philippines!
I like to do mixed media art,
ATCS, sewing, jewelry,
and sometimes I post about my
creative faith journal.
This time I have a story for you:
Legend has it there was
a lovely young maiden who was pining for the moon.
Her father gave her everything she wanted,
but he was in a quandary as to how to get the moon and give it to her.
Now she was spoiled and strong-willed,
and she set off to find the highest ladder she could find.
One evening, she chanced upon a high tower,
and on top of the tower,
she spied a ladder.
She went inside and climbed, and climbed, and climbed.
When she reached the top of the stairway,
there was the ladder.
She hitched her skirts and started climbing the ladder.
It was a very tall ladder.
Indeed it reached the heavens.
But when she saw the moon,
she was sorely disappointed.
It was dark, and dismal and cold.
She sat at the top of the ladder in dismay.
When she looked down in her sorrow,
she could see the earth,
all shimmering like a precious gem.
Frowning, she thought,
"Why, I never thought the earth so beautiful!"
"I've wandered so far from my family,
given up so much, grown old,
lost everything, even time,
in search of something that
merely looked beautiful from afar!"
"I should go back and try to share what I've learned.
We should appreciate what we have,
while we have it,
especially family.
I am afraid my father is dead.
I have been gone away too long!"
So she slowly went down the long ladder,
but slower and not so impatiently as she was
older and grayer and had pain in her joints
and varicose veins.
When she finally reached her home,
she found it in sad disrepair.
Her father they said, had been waiting for her
to come back every single day.
He would stand outside the door in rain, in heat, in snow,
in tornadoes and tsunamis.
Finally he succumbed to the elements
and faded away.
Of course she was devastated,
her heart broke in two.
"Father, I will spend the rest of my life
making it up to you!" she vowed.
So up to this day, there is an old woman,
you may have seen her,
for she goes all around the world,
and tells her story to anyone who will listen,
in the hopes that no one
would be as foolish as she was.
Many have listened,
and her heart has grown stronger and wiser.
So one winner may remember
to appreciate what we have
and not go pining for what we don't,
here is a gold heart necklace which I've put together
especially for One World, One Heart.
Just leave a comment below and
I will pick a winner on Feb. 17
using a random number generator.
This is open to bloggers worldwide.
For more wonderful giveaways,
visit OWOH for the list.
I forgot that I promised my followers
that they always have a chance
in my giveaways,
so I hurriedly made something
my followers can win-
a brooch with fabric and lace flowers.
You can pin this to a pearl necklace
to dress it up!
Happy OWOH!
a lovely young maiden who was pining for the moon.
Her father gave her everything she wanted,
but he was in a quandary as to how to get the moon and give it to her.

and she set off to find the highest ladder she could find.
One evening, she chanced upon a high tower,
and on top of the tower,
she spied a ladder.
She went inside and climbed, and climbed, and climbed.

there was the ladder.
She hitched her skirts and started climbing the ladder.
It was a very tall ladder.
Indeed it reached the heavens.
But when she saw the moon,
she was sorely disappointed.
It was dark, and dismal and cold.

she could see the earth,
all shimmering like a precious gem.

"Why, I never thought the earth so beautiful!"
"I've wandered so far from my family,
given up so much, grown old,
lost everything, even time,
in search of something that
merely looked beautiful from afar!"
"I should go back and try to share what I've learned.
We should appreciate what we have,
while we have it,
especially family.
I am afraid my father is dead.
I have been gone away too long!"
So she slowly went down the long ladder,
but slower and not so impatiently as she was
older and grayer and had pain in her joints
and varicose veins.
When she finally reached her home,
she found it in sad disrepair.
Her father they said, had been waiting for her
to come back every single day.
He would stand outside the door in rain, in heat, in snow,
in tornadoes and tsunamis.
Finally he succumbed to the elements
and faded away.
Of course she was devastated,
her heart broke in two.
"Father, I will spend the rest of my life
making it up to you!" she vowed.
So up to this day, there is an old woman,
you may have seen her,
for she goes all around the world,
and tells her story to anyone who will listen,
in the hopes that no one
would be as foolish as she was.
Many have listened,
and her heart has grown stronger and wiser.
So one winner may remember
to appreciate what we have
and not go pining for what we don't,

especially for One World, One Heart.
Just leave a comment below and
I will pick a winner on Feb. 17
using a random number generator.
This is open to bloggers worldwide.
For more wonderful giveaways,
visit OWOH for the list.
I forgot that I promised my followers
that they always have a chance
in my giveaways,
so I hurriedly made something
my followers can win-

You can pin this to a pearl necklace
to dress it up!