You can read all about it in Luke 1:39-56.
But it is best to read from the beginning
of the first chapter of Luke.
The interesting parts for me are
that John the Baptist was filled with
the Holy Spirit even before he was born (v. 15).
When his mother, Elizabeth,
heard Mary's greeting,
even if he was still in the womb,
he leaped in her womb!
Both Elizabeth and John the baby Baptist
were filled with the Spirit!
He recognized Jesus!

How wonderful that Mary
was such a kindred spirit to Elizabeth
that she hastened to tell her the amazing news!

is unique, there is something here
that we can all experience.
As baptized believers, each of us is capable
of bearing Christ to others.
If our eyes were opened to this truth,
we too would rejoice and be humbled
in the presence of so holy a vessel
as a sister or brother in Christ.

"Even nonbelievers would move us to
great reverence because they too are created
in God's image and have just as much potential
of being filled with the Holy Spirit.
If God has so honored human beings this way,
how could we fail to show them equal honor?"
Word Among Us

may our spirit be sensitive
to all who bring Christ's love
and words and teachings to us.
May we not fall into the trap of thinking
that it has to be a godly person,
or someone we look up to and respect.
It may be a child, a beggar,
a prisoner, a telemarketer,
or even a beauty queen!

May we recognize Jesus
when He passes by us,
when He lingers beside us,
or gives us a phone call!
Linking to Spiritual Sunday ,
and Graceful for Hear it on Sunday,
Use it on Monday, and
Soli Deo Gloria.