What grabs you? What excites and inspires you? What makes you wake up in the morning with a smile on your face and an anticipation for what the day brings? It can be a little insignificant thing, something that has yet to happen or something you've been waiting for that's about to happen. It can be the weather, or a nice pair of shoes, a collage that just came together perfectly, a job well done, a gift, a revelation, an idea, a new friendship.
Joy. Sometimes it is elusive. But if you are open to the many gifts God has for us in a day, it may just fly in through that open door. Let me tell you why I decided to write about joy. My husband amused me, has been amusing me for many days. While some men get excited about a new car, or a promotion, or a deal in the works, my husband gets excited about the great bible adventure. He has been studying and even teaching the bible a long time (not professionally), but when he discovered this new way of studying and teaching the bible, he became literally like a kid with a new toy! Or you could say, he's like a salesman so absolutely sold on his product. He talks about it to everybody, and you can't help but get infected with his enthusiasm. We believe you! We believe you! Let's start on it! So we will be starting on it. And thanks to my husband, we will find new life in our bible adventure!