Here is my desk this morning.
I have to confess to not being home
most of the time
and just dumping stuff on my desk.
I have to confess to not being home
most of the time
and just dumping stuff on my desk.

you know that my mother-in-law
is in a coma. We've been at her bedside,
praying, singing, talking to her and
confessing healing verses from the Bible.
Today I am happy to report some progress.
Yesterday when my mom, dad and I visited,
I started singing (in my own tune!),
"You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!"
and "Though your soul cleaves to the dust, the Word of God revives you!"
"The joy of the Lord is your strength!"
My dad said, "Keep doing that! Her foot moved!"
In the afternoon, her neuro was surprised
because she moved her neck, her two feet,
and they were able to remove her respirator for a while
and she breathed on her own.
She's still "asleep" but I am sure she will be revived by God's Word and promises!
I am filled with praise and thanksgiving!
It will be a miracle if I win
Lulu Too Much's Giveaway,
but even if I'm really busy,
I'm not too busy to join this fabulous candy.

See other desks and projects
on Julia's every Wednesday Blog party!