Friday, September 01, 2023

Keep Me Burning!

And the foolish said to the prudent, "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out." Matthew 25:8

Jesus' parable of the 5 prudent virgins and the 5 foolish virgins is a warning, one of many warnings Jesus gave about how we should always be prepared for His coming. Verse 10 reads, "...and the door was shut." The door is wide open for us now but there will come a time, if we do not have what we need, that the door will be shut forever in our face. Just like the foolish virgins who were pleading, "Lord, open  the door for us," no amount of cajoling will get us in!

What did the foolish virgins do to deserve such a punishment? They did not bring any oil for their lamps. All 10 virgins were eagerly awaiting the bridegroom, 5 had extra oil with them, 5 did not. When the light from their lamps were petering out, the 5 foolish virgins asked for oil from the wise and were not given any. Were the 5 wise virgins selfish? No, because this kind of oil we cannot share with others. 

The lamps represent our spiritual life, and the oil everything that keeps our faith vibrant and burning brightly. We cannot borrow prayer or studying the Bible or giving alms from others. We cannot receive it from our parents or beg from our brothers and sisters in our church or community. We have to have our own oil so we don’t run out. 

Lord, may I forever, until the day I die, keep my lamp burning brightly for You! You are my Bridegroom, my delight and my joy! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy