Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Church Builder

Today is the Feast of one of my favorite saints. God spoke to St. Francis of Assisi from the cross of San Damiano to “Go and repair my house which is falling into ruins". Francis started to repair the little dilapidated chapel, after selling his father's silk and buying stones. Later, Francis realized that God meant not the physical church, but the spiritual church, which was in worse shape then than it is now!

Do we realize that each of us is called to be a church builder just as St. Francis was called?

What are the gifts we have that can help build the church? We can be lectors, fix the flowers, help in the livelihood, education and medical programs of our parishes. We can also love the people Jesus loves- the poor, the prisoners, the sick, the hurting, and be Christ to them. Yes, EACH OF US IS A CHURCH BUILDER!

St. Francis is also known to be the first to create the first ever Nativity scene in Greccio, Italy, in 1223, 800 years ago!  He asked and was granted permission by the Pope, to prepare this live manger scene with hay, an ox and an ass and real people as Mary and Joseph. Crowds arrived carrying candles and torches, and St. Francis, who was a deacon, proclaimed the Gospel and preached the homily. We do not have a record of what the Saint said at the time, but we know that he always encouraged that “The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today.”

What is the sermon we are preaching with our lives?

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy