Wednesday, January 14, 2015

WOYWW: Looking for Jesus

 This is my desk as I start to illustrate my bible.
But first, let me show you my planner,
which I started decorating too.

 I even put a "tip-in" page using washi-tape.
I found out about tip-in pages
from joining A Documented Life last year.
It's free!

 To start, I chose a picture from a magazine
that I will make into Jesus and the disciple 
who disturbs Him while He is praying!

 I then traced this on to the bible page with carbon paper.

 Then, I put acrylic paint on it. 3 shades of flesh 
to shade the faces and hands.

 Then I pencilled in the words from Scripture,
so I can trace it over with a permanent pen.

 "Everyone is asking for you." Mark 1:37
In Mark, chapter 1, we see a glimpse of what Jesus' Sabbath was like. He would preach in the synagogue in the morning, and then take a meal at a friend's home. This time it was Simon and Andrew's home. When he found out that Simon's mother-in-law was sick, he went to her bedside, helped her sit up and healed her. She was the one who prepared a meal for Jesus and 4 of his disciples.
That evening, His work was not done. Many sick and demon-possessed people came to him for healing. To add to the noise and the melee, there were a lot of spectators, "usisero" in filipino jargon. So the next morning, Jesus went off by Himself before daybreak to pray. But Simon and the others found him, and urged, "Everyone is asking for you. Looking for you."
Instead of saying, "OK, let's go to them," Jesus says he has to go to other towns and preach there too. It wasn't like today, where Jesus could go on TV and everyone who wanted to listen, could listen. No, he had to go to remote places, so more people would hear the Word.
We are looking for Jesus, but He is looking for us too! He traveled far and wide, and all that he said and did cannot be contained in a library of books.But what we need to know is in the Bible. If we look for Him there, we will find Him!

"...perfect through suffering..." Hebrews 2:10
Charles Spurgeon, one of the most well known evangelists in the late 1800s said in one of his sermons, that "Christ is a perfect Savior; secondly, that he became so through suffering; and thirdly, that his being made perfect through suffering will ennoble and dignify the whole work of grace."
Jesus made perfect by suffering opens up a lot of questions for me. Wasn't Jesus already perfect? Yes, I am sure He was the perfect man. I think this only makes sense if we go back to the Garden of Eden when God said to Adam, "You will surely die," if he ate of the forbidden fruit. And we continue to choose to eat of the forbidden fruit. We continually do what we shouldn't. We continue to disobey.
Hebrews 5:8–9 gives the answer: "Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation."
"Being made perfect" equates to learning obedience. We too are being perfected by our suffering, our losses, our pains, our trials and challenges. We can learn that with obedience, we open up the door to blessing and grace!

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:



  1. Your illustrations are just amazing, I am always in awe.
    Bridget #1

  2. That is beautiful and the book is going to be such a treasured item. Fantastic work, just beautiful.
    Neet 3 xx

  3. Thank you for the reminder!!! I think we tend to "complain" about our suffering instead of learned the lesson intended. A real eye opener, for sure! Have a blessed week!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #17

  4. Its absolutely lovely - thanks for sharing. Have a great week - Sunshine Girl #13

  5. Great illustrations and lovely to see the steps and progress.
    sandra de @25

  6. Great image you have made. I am always in awe of your unwaivering faith. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Lucy #24 woyww x

  7. Great idea to trace figures with carbon and then alter them with paint. It turned out lovely! Shel#56

  8. Obedience = blessing & grace! So true, Patsy! People don't want to talk about obedience these days, it's one of that "bad words" like submission! But the biblical concepts of these words lead to freedom! I love what you are doing with your bible - how lovely!

  9. Love your beautifully illustrated bible. Thank you for explaining your methods.
    Blessing hugs,


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy