Friday, May 06, 2016

Paint Party Friday: Be Not Afraid!

" Do not be afraid..." Acts 18:9

Saint Paul was always in hot water for one thing or another. 
Many Jews would get so furious with him, 
and he would get thrown into jail, or stoned, 
or brought before officials for judgement. 
But the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, "Do not be afraid. 
Go on speaking and do not be silenced for I am with you." 
Saint Paul really took this to heart. 
In his letter to the Philippians, he writes: 
"Be anxious for nothing...and the peace of God, 
which surpasses all understanding, 
shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

I received good news this morning. 
A couple of months ago, a Facebook friend messaged me 
to ask for prayers for her daughter who was pregnant. 
The baby's father who was younger than her daughter 
was pushing for an abortion. 
Of course my friend was feeling awful, 
and was worrying for her grandchild. 
We prayed that they do the right thing, 
and take joy in the new life God was gifting them with. 
We rebuked the power of the enemy that was deceiving them. 

I am overjoyed to report that God answered our prayer! 
Her daughter decided to keep her baby who is due in August 
because of a dream she had. 
Her baby was trying to reach her hand from inside the womb. 
In the dream she could feel that he was so sweet and loved her so much. 
She fell in love with him because of the dream! 
Indeed, we should never give up praying.  
Such a desperate situation is now turned to joy!

I am also trusting God for our 
desperate situation in the Philippines right now. 
We need not be afraid even if it seems as if our next President 
may be a man who confesses to killing people without due process, 
to being a leftist, who threatens to abolish Congress 
and set up a revolutionary government. 
Many people are praying and fasting, 
and I know God will answer our prayers. 
How? I leave that up to Him who is so creative and wise! 
Just as he told Saint Paul, "I am with you", so He is with us, 
walking with us in our journey. 
I expect that our desperate situation 
will also be turned to joy in His time! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy