Saturday, June 10, 2017


"They gave from their surplus wealth, but she gave from her want, all that she had to live on." Mark 12:44

I can imagine this poor widow in heaven now. Imagine, Jesus pointed her out to the disciples as someone to emulate. She put in a meager 2 small copper coins as her offering, while the wealthy poured in substantial amounts. Jesus said, "She contributed more than all the others who donated to the treasury!" 

What kind of calculator does Jesus have if 2 small copper coins is worth more than ALL the other donations? 1 Samuel 16:8 shows us: "For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” 

Others may find us generous but God sees if we have an ulterior motive. After all, we cannot hide anything from Him! 30 year old Chrissy Archibald was one of the people killed in the London Bridge attack recently. She used to serve in homeless shelters. She is described as kind-hearted and she cared especially about homeless people struggling with addictions. 

Instead of reacting with bitterness and hate, her family has decided to spread love and generosity by asking people to remember her by either volunteering or donating to homeless shelters. The hashtags #chrissysentme and #chrissysentyou is spreading on Twitter.  "Make the world a better place." Many have responded with donations and volunteering their time and effort. 

Lord, help us to fight the evil in this world with Your weapons: love, hope, prayers, generosity, truth, and unity. Nothing is impossible with You! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy