"What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him!" Matthew 8:27

Imagine some very experienced, rugged, seasoned fishermen going out into waters they are familiar with. A great storm arose, and the boat was covered with waves. Jesus, who was with them, was asleep. He was, after all, very tired, and had wanted to escape for a little while from the crowds that followed Him everywhere He went, clamoring for attention, for healing, for answering their many questions. Imagine how tired He was that He did not wake up with the tumult of the storm, tossing and tilting their boat! The disciples had to shake Him awake, "Save us, Lord, we are perishing!" He arose, rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm.
Sometimes when God does not answer our prayers, we say He is not listening or He is sleeping. Jesus only slept because He was a man while on earth. He had all the limitations of our physical bodies which get tired and weary. Now He is not bound by the earth and we can depend on Him not to get tired or weary. We should always have the mindset that nothing is impossible with God. He can command not only the winds, and the sea, but even fires, missiles, the predicted "Big Earthquake", and even meteors hurtling to earth. When He allows disasters, misfortunes, tragedies and reversals, we can and should ask, "Why did God allow this? Is there something I need to learn? About Him? About myself? What is His purpose?" We should go closer to God instead of farther, knowing when bad things happen, He is closer than a prayer.

My 90 year old dad had a fall a couple of months ago, and this gave him so much pain at the start, and even now he is trying to regain his strength, and his loss of weight. But he asked, "Why did this happen to me? Why is my caregiver, Jay, a welder as well?" I am sure He asked God many more questions, but from these 2 questions, my dad came up with the answer that he now could make a Murphy bed. And so in his lanai, there now stands a Murphy bed, a pull down bed that is great for a little studio. He has plans to produce this and sell it. Is it any wonder I admire my dad so much? He is always open to the opportunities God gives him! Even if that opportunity comes cloaked in a seeming misfortune.
Lord, may I always have a heart of faith, seeing You for who You really are. May I not forget that You are with me whatever happens!
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy