Wednesday, January 03, 2018

God’s Beloved

“See what love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1

How different people’s lives would be if we knew, really knew, that we are beloved of God. 

Luigi always says, “Expressing love increases love”, and I am truly blessed because my husband practices what he preaches. He is faithful and I know that when he tells me something, I can believe him. There is no doubt in my mind, no insecurity. If he promises me something, I can count on it. He cares for the people I care about and the things I care about. When my mom was very sick in the hospital, he would take a turn to stay overnight to take care of her. Now he goes out of his way to find a meal my dad will enjoy. He has a heart of service and is always willing to sacrifice for me and Josh when we need something. He knew I needed help in my work, and even if it is a thankless job, he continues to help me. 

God is like that and so much much more. He cares about the people and things we care about. Our Father shows His love every day and in so many ways. He keeps His promises. He sacrificed His Son for us. God’s love is steadfast and unchanging and we can depend on Him. Whatever love we experience from others takes its root in Him. May we be secure in God’s love for us so we may be conduits of His love and blessing to others. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy