Saturday, July 28, 2018

God Sees

“I too see what is being done.” Jeremiah 7:11

The prophet Jeremiah lived during the crisis days when Judah existed as a nation. The main message during those last 40 years was: God is disciplining you for your wrongdoing. Repent and return to the Lord Your God. Only God can save you. The capital, Jerusalem, was eventually destroyed and it’s elite taken to Babylon. It is a timeless reminder to the world that when a nation rejects God, the inevitable outcome is ruin. 

Jeremiah warned the people in chapter 7: “Reform your ways and your deeds, so that I may remain with you in this place...Only if you thoroughly reform your ways and your deeds; if each of you deals justly with his neighbor; if you no longer oppress the resident alien, the orphan, the widow; if you no longer shed innocent blood in this place, or follow strange gods to your own harm, will I remain with you in this place...” 

God saw what was happening then. He sees what is happening now. Let us take the message of Jeremiah the prophet seriously. Let us continue to search for ways to turn to the Lord, and convince others to do the same. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy