Monday, August 20, 2018

What Do I Still Lack?

“What do I still lack?” Matthew 19:20

After watching the trailer of Crazy Rich Asians and the Harper Bazaar YouTube video of the real crazy rich Asian women, I’m tempted to answer, “A couture dress because it is like buying art, the highest level of craftsmanship.” If we look at the ads on TV, magazines, and social media, there are many many things, too many things we lack.

When the rich young man asks Jesus, “What good must I do to gain eternal life?” Jesus answered, “Keep the commandments.” The young man claimed that he observed all of these, “What do I still lack?” Jesus’ answer was: “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” The young man went away sad for he had many possessions. 

We too put a high premium on financial stability. We should try to examine ourselves if a look at our bank account and check book will prove we are following Jesus. Do we tithe? Do we give to the poor, to those who are imprisoned, to the sick, to the victims of calamity? Just recently, I was reminded that generosity starts AFTER tithing, our offering back to God what is really His to begin with. Are we generous with the people God wants us to be generous to? Or do we hold tight to our money and resources?

In Africa, they catch monkeys by hollowing out a coconut, putting fruit and nut inside, and staking it to the ground. The monkey comes, puts his fist inside and grabs as much of the fruit and nut he can. Unfortunately because his fist is balled up, he cannot get it out, and even if he hears the natives coming to get him, he doesn’t let go. He gets caught. We should be wiser than monkeys. We should let go of that which is worthless and go for the riches of eternal life. 

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:^) Patsy